BUG - Missing boots

Hello, folks.
I've found a bug. I just got the Boots of Stealth from the hobgoblins, for Zhurlong. However, after I loaded my game, the boots were gone.
I've found a bug. I just got the Boots of Stealth from the hobgoblins, for Zhurlong. However, after I loaded my game, the boots were gone.
(If Zhurlong DID take them back, talk to him again. He'll pick your pocket - again. This time, get mad, kill him, and take his stuff. Or...if you're evil or powergamey {? same thing ?}, just kill him - there is no penalty.)
Did you do auto pickup of loot in the vicinity? Sometimes that assigns the carrying responsibility to an unexpected party member.
Did you assign the boots to be used by a party member?
I know it seems...er...'un-self-confident', but did you check each inventory slot and each footwear slot of EVERY member of the party?
Was the inventory of the assigned pick-up character full when you thought that you picked the boots up?
Did you go back to the encounter site and check for left-over items on the ground? (Use the Tab key to highlight, preferably at night for high contrast.) Could the boots have been one item too much, and inadvertently dropped behind a bush or other foreground object. (The other reason for using the Tab key, at night, for the search.)
Use the save game closest before the fight with the hobgoblins to try to recreate the problem, or eliminate it.
If, after eliminating all that, it still truly seems to be a bug, you need to identify what version of the game, and what device you are playing on, AND POST THE REPORT IN THE BUG REPORTS FORUM.