Hey all,
A quick question about the lore of the forgotten realms.
Up to now, has Gauntlygrym been reclaimed yet or is the Delzoun and Luskan Corsairs still fighting for it?
Personally, I would love for the Delzoun to succeed in claiming the place and make it into another dwarven bastion of good.
After all, the Spellplague did give the bad guys a lot of power ups (Asmodeus, Lolth, etc)
Only good that came of it was the return of Bahamut and the empowerment of Torm. (In my opinion)
A quick question about the lore of the forgotten realms.
Up to now, has Gauntlygrym been reclaimed yet or is the Delzoun and Luskan Corsairs still fighting for it?
Personally, I would love for the Delzoun to succeed in claiming the place and make it into another dwarven bastion of good.
After all, the Spellplague did give the bad guys a lot of power ups (Asmodeus, Lolth, etc)
Only good that came of it was the return of Bahamut and the empowerment of Torm. (In my opinion)
But I don't know what this "spellplague" you speak of is, must be some dream you had. Just like the 4th edition D&D nightmare I once had. Silly I know, Wizards of the Coast obviously skipped 4th edition and went straight to 5th edition. They certainly did not ruin any more settings with their edition shenanigans, they wouldn't be that stupid so IT DID NOT HAPPEN. Understand? Good! Have a cookie.
OK, got it. xD