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6/6 party members custom?

HvitrEbrithilHvitrEbrithil Member Posts: 36
Most of the times I've played BGII, I've created 6 party members within the multiplayer-section and played them all myself, this way I could make the party exactly like I wanted it. Will this option still be available, in one form or another, in BGII:EE?


  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Most likely, though I rather think you'd be better off playing Icewind Dale if that's the flavor you prefer - BG's NPCs are perhaps its most notable quality. :)
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Most likely. They're adding and improving stuff, not taking away. And it's even a loading screen tip in original BGII which means it's a deliberate design choice rather than a player "exploit".
  • HvitrEbrithilHvitrEbrithil Member Posts: 36
    Great! It's the way I like to play the game. That, or solo.

    Icewind Dale didn't really give me that good old RPG-feel BGII gave me, just wasn't meant to be.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Have you tried ID2 as well? Having played first one isn't neccessary to get a grasp on the story. I much prefer the second one to the first, but then I've only recently now started giving it another shot... never realized till now that the expansions bumped up the resolution thus making it playable :)
  • HvitrEbrithilHvitrEbrithil Member Posts: 36
    I loved the resolution and the graphic feel of ID2, but the RPG feel still stayed missing.. Might be giving it another shot to pass the time before BG:EE, though ;)
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    @shawne I don't see how that applies. I've enjoyed playing BG in many different ways and I would be dissapointed if I didn't have the option to play with a full 6 customized party members.

    I did it on my second play of BG2. Was a great way to experience the new classes that are not present with NPC's without dedicating the Bhallspawn's class for the full SOA - TOB game just to experience them all.

    Plus I get strangely more attached to characters I create more than the NPC's(which I still love)
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416

    Most of the times I've played BGII, I've created 6 party members within the multiplayer-section and played them all myself, this way I could make the party exactly like I wanted it. Will this option still be available, in one form or another, in BGII:EE?

    Yes, that option will be available. I too prefer to create my own party builds, though I have played through the game with some provided NPCs before.

  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    spacejaws said:

    Plus I get strangely more attached to characters I create more than the NPC's(which I still love)

    I will agree with this. I take it as part of my D&D-ism, because i have worked very hard creating characters through the years, of course when i make mine i do more than just stats, i go in-depth background.

    You give a little bit of yourself to them...they are like your babies.
  • HvitrEbrithilHvitrEbrithil Member Posts: 36

    spacejaws said:

    Plus I get strangely more attached to characters I create more than the NPC's(which I still love)

    I will agree with this. I take it as part of my D&D-ism, because i have worked very hard creating characters through the years, of course when i make mine i do more than just stats, i go in-depth background.

    You give a little bit of yourself to them...they are like your babies.
    Bot sure if weird... Or just RPG ;)
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    It's RPG baby. Weird is our world.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    I know for sure I'll be using at least 1 custom thief in BG2:EE unless there's a new pure thief added. I like party banter and companion quests too much to ever do a whole party of customs though.
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615

    Bot sure if weird... Or just RPG ;)

    Dun mess with mah beh behs!! D<

  • HvitrEbrithilHvitrEbrithil Member Posts: 36
    Sooo, a bit of both, I take it, @LordsDarkKnight185?
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