Return player looking for help

It's been a while since I played BG due to a crashing problem that became too annoying to bear but now seems remedied with my latest rig. That's the good newz. The bad is that I'm starting from scratch again after a VERY long hiatus so consider me a newb until the legacy synapse begins to kick in. Well, to the main inquiry...
I've been touching base with dual vs. multi-class, in this case, for a planned vanilla ("vanilla" meaning basic, non-EE BG) fighter/mage. The sources checked have resolved many questions, but I am still blurry about which is the best way to maximize new class benefits and how best to determine the leveling sequence. Apparently, at game end I can reach Ftr7/Mage7, need Str15 & Int17 minimum to start, but that's about all that is certain for me at this point. Once source suggested going mage after Ftr4 but IIRC it was a dual-class plan and didn't really recommend how best to proceed. Multi-classing the same would have different constraints like suitable race, for instance. Since BG has such a large scope, I'd prefer to have a preset plan in place before needing to restart to just to learn basics.
ATM I have no plans to continue the toon into BGII, though I will likely purchase the game in the future. From what I've read, that would be a major consideration to take into effect so at least that is a non-issue now.
As far as the party mix goes, in the past I used to limit it to as few as possible, mainly a good thief (if I didn't multiclass myself) and cleric, soloing quite a bit, but will be using a more typical party size/mix in this reintroduction run-through. Not that party mix should really affect the toon's leveling sequence, but giving as full a snapshot as possible.
I must say that after delving into the BG information available web-wide I've learned a lot more than I ever knew before, previously stumbling around by trial 'n error, and look forward to putting some of those tips to good use.
Thank you, in advance, for any direction. Should you remember any former posts (or external links) that would address my questions, posting the link(s) would be just fine and possibility save a bit of typing. (I hope this the correct forum for a general post like this.)
I've been touching base with dual vs. multi-class, in this case, for a planned vanilla ("vanilla" meaning basic, non-EE BG) fighter/mage. The sources checked have resolved many questions, but I am still blurry about which is the best way to maximize new class benefits and how best to determine the leveling sequence. Apparently, at game end I can reach Ftr7/Mage7, need Str15 & Int17 minimum to start, but that's about all that is certain for me at this point. Once source suggested going mage after Ftr4 but IIRC it was a dual-class plan and didn't really recommend how best to proceed. Multi-classing the same would have different constraints like suitable race, for instance. Since BG has such a large scope, I'd prefer to have a preset plan in place before needing to restart to just to learn basics.
ATM I have no plans to continue the toon into BGII, though I will likely purchase the game in the future. From what I've read, that would be a major consideration to take into effect so at least that is a non-issue now.
As far as the party mix goes, in the past I used to limit it to as few as possible, mainly a good thief (if I didn't multiclass myself) and cleric, soloing quite a bit, but will be using a more typical party size/mix in this reintroduction run-through. Not that party mix should really affect the toon's leveling sequence, but giving as full a snapshot as possible.
I must say that after delving into the BG information available web-wide I've learned a lot more than I ever knew before, previously stumbling around by trial 'n error, and look forward to putting some of those tips to good use.
Thank you, in advance, for any direction. Should you remember any former posts (or external links) that would address my questions, posting the link(s) would be just fine and possibility save a bit of typing. (I hope this the correct forum for a general post like this.)
Also, it doesn't matter.
The BG character generation screens are going to enforce the minimums, and never show you a roll that does not meet the minimums. There is no later decision point with a multi-class, so you don't need to be worried about "Am I high enough to change around later?".
Neither can you choose which class to advance at what time. Half your experience goes to each side. When the experience for that class (of the multi-class char) reaches the step-level, you are told that it is time to level up. And there is really no point in ever waiting.
FWIW, F/M should reach F7/M8 if you go to the XP limit of the game.
Party: To bring along an F/M in BG:EE, with a more or less full party, you should probably plan on having one each of the traditional roles: warrior, cleric, thief, mage. You certainly need the cleric for healing support, and the thief for trap/lock management. Your CHARNAME will act mainly a buffed fighter, with wand and Sleep ability, in the early going, so you will probably want that earlier blooming mage as well. Be careful to not read away any one-of-a-kind scrolls you eventually want on your CHARNAME, however. The extra pure fighter/tank for the front line never hurts - your CHARNAME won't really be able to tank until later, and won't be an AWESOME DEATH-MILL of a tank until the sequel.
The sixth slot is up to you, but I would recommend some sort of off-main-sequence combo character, maybe with some healing, like Jaheira. Or you could go with just 5, to buff the experience a little.
Exact characters are going to depend if you are trying to go good or evil. Good party is easier to manage for a 'first' playthrough, due to the way the reputation system works (it tends to go up as you do side quests, unless you are occasionally slaughtering innocents, or stealing incompetently.)
So... if I want to multiclass to a F/M, would it make the most sense to do it ASAP, like the first level-up or wait until the fighter gains a bit more "pure" fighter HPs?
The way you explained it seems that once I make the MC commitment, that's the last time I would need to consider the class. True? Is there a way to stop multiclassing at some point? Not that I can anticipate such a need, but it would be good to know.
I'll be sticking with LG the first time since the merchandising will be more lenient, though I seem to remember some members of the party grumbling when the rep got too high. RPing an evil party always seemed daunting to me, dealing with the Flaming Fist and NPCs in general. I'm figuring on using Imoen for thieving & magics (if I can remember when to have her take up mage). I seem to remember Jaheira being a well-rounded addition, as well. IIRC I toted Yeslick as cleric with some warhammer once the mines were finished but like I said, I am really foggy about the specifics and game mechanics.
By "read away a scroll" I am guessing you mean using the scroll to cast a spell rather than using it to add to the spell book. Zat it? If so, thanks for the reminder.
As a related point, and should I decide to buy BGII:EE, must I purchase the EE version of BGI to export my BGI toon there? I still use the standard vanilla, 5-CD version of BG, still in almost pristine condition, so would like to avoid replacing it, if possible, to migrate predeveloped characters. TBH I don't even know what the difference is between vanilla BGI and the EE version. I suppose there may be additional quests and perhaps some bug fixes but don't really know. In any case, should I invest into BGII:EE, I would end up biasing my party choice though, since I've read only certain ones will import. Never faced that situation so I'd need to study up before starting a new game.
Thanks for the speedy reply and setting me straight on several points, dreamrider. I am pleased to find the enthusiasm with BG has not waned much since the salad days and info seems to be maintained well yet.
Only certain combos allowed. Original class may be a specialist/kit; 2nd class must be a base class.
Assuming that you dual-class sometime before level 25, the char will only have access to the High Level Abilities of
MULTI-Class = Demi-humans only! (Additional race restrictions for some combinations - half-elves can be just about any allowed combo): START with all the abilities of two (or three) classes; stay in those classes FOREVER - Apply 1/2 of XP earned to each class (or 1/3 for a triple-classed char) - Level up in each class independently.
Only certain combos allowed (same basic combos as dual-class). NEITHER class may be a specialist/kit, both are base classes.
Eventually the multi-class character will have access to the HLAs of both classes.
Within a given HP cap, multi-class characters tend to hit the limit with a somewhat lower top class level, because they are splitting those HPs between at least 2 class progression scales.
By the end of Throne of Baal, a single-classed fighter may reach something like level 40. A dual-classed Fighter->Mage is probably going to reach something like F9/M34. A multi-classed F/M will probably reach something like F25/M28.
It seems ironic that I never tested the effectiveness of Sleep before, at least against certain kinds of hostiles. Unless my char is self-buffing, I've usually concentrated on damage spells and occasionally Stinking Cloud for its AoE. Using Sleep should make my early progress much easier I suspect.
I hadn't realized NPCs couldn't be imported. Could have sworn I read about some party mix recommendations along that vein but it's possible there were custom utilities installed that I glossed over. Dunno. I just hope I can import my vanilla BG character into BGII:EE since I believe it is the only version available for purchase nowadays.