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Solo FMT - Tips on the class and equipment setup


I am currently playing a solo FMT in BG1EE with a removed level cap and plan on importing it to BG2EE whenever the new patch is released.

I would like to ask, how can I boost my defenses late game especially in TOB. Do people normally buff before a fight and then change into a heavy armor or simply stack up as many defensive spells as possible while wearing Robes? FMT doesn't have mage class's high level abilities so unless I am advised to add it in via the tweaks mod I will probably be relying heavily on Greater Whirlwind Attacks.

I had a fully buffed up party but as soon as I triggered the Heart seal in Watcher's Keep, I instantly lost all buffs and died in seconds. I did manage to eventually pass that fight but how can you survive something similar to that fight with a lone FMT. Are there defensive measure that can prevent enemy spell casters from removing all of my buffs? Any preferred spells, summons, items I should pay close attention to that will help me throughout the journey? What is the best equipment setup throughout the BG1 to TOB and final end game setup if there is an optimum one for an FMT class.

I don't mind using underhanded cheese tactics as long as it doesn't remove the fun from the rest of the game.
Sorry for my English if some things are not explained well and thanks.


  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Well for example in the seal fight you can place traps on the mages' spawn points and they won't cast a thing ;) Generally you can use spell immunity (abjuration?) to become immune to dispel.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    In ToB you'll have no need to worry about armor. Between Protection From Magical Weapons and Stoneskin you'll be more than covered.

    Either of these spells will also cast quickly. So pre-buffing isn't necessary unless you expect to face enemies that can dispel your protection, threaten you with magic, or you really want to avoid using the Whirlwind and Greater Whirlwind abilities (by pre-casting Improved Haste for instance).
  • JustLeftJustLeft Member Posts: 76
    edited November 2014
    Improved Haste did not seem to work with the Ring of Free Action and most importantly from the Flail of Ages+5. It takes away my fast movements from Boots of Speed and any Haste or Improved Haste spell effects.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Basic strategies:
    - Carsomyr+UAI+whirlwind
    - mislead+spell immunity:divination+staff of the ram+whirlwind
    - stoneskin
    - simulacrum hat
    - DUHM from bhaalspawn powers, strength boosts, strength potions
    - traps, traps and more traps (7 generic traps can kill firkraag iirc)
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Oh and honestly you don't even need to remove the xp cap to beat bg1 with a FMT, all it will do is make the game excessively easy. I'd suggest to put the xp cap back on and instead try different strategies to win with the XP,cap in place. This will help you to open your mind a bit to new strategies which is the sort of thinking that you'll need to solo bg2 and ToB. For starters, simply having a scroll case full of fourth and fifth level scrolls to shoot in hard fights will help immensely.
  • JustLeftJustLeft Member Posts: 76
    - Carsomyr+UAI+whirlwind
    I am currently specializing in Two weapon Style, War Hammer and Flail to eventually be able to use Flail of Ages +3/5 and Crom Faeyr for the 25 STR boost. From looking at the wiki, Carsomyr seems to be a Two handed weapon. I don't know if I am able to make good use of it with no proficiency points in either Two-Handed sword and Two-Handed Weapon Style. Sorry to ask but why does the Use any Item ability is important to that combo?
    - DUHM from bhaalspawn powers, strength boosts, strength potions
    I only use Draw Upon Holy Might before sleeping to help fully heal but I should use it more often.
    Oh and honestly you don't even need to remove the xp cap to beat bg1 with a FMT, all it will do is make the game excessively easy.
    This is more for the BG2 part since I will be importing the save to it. I would like to have it similar to BGT where the XP does not stop from progressing.

    For the difficulty I suppose you are right, though I have not reached the cap yet but since I am only buying and using items for one character I do have a lot of money I used to recharge Wand of Monster Summoning and the One Gift Lost Amulet and buy other misc items that are making it considerably easier to progress so far.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @JustLeft Carsomyr is a Paladin-only weapon. I would also go with dual weapons, namely Crom main-hand and a speed weapon off hand probably.
  • nimbusnimbus Member Posts: 6
    I believe you can use Flail with imp. haste, provided you unequip the flail, then cast haste, then re-equip. Crom is not needed as you can hit high strength anyway with DUHM and belts/potions/whatever. Plus if you are using improved haste, you should always have belm/kudane/scarlet in your offhand.

    There are generally two major options for weapons:

    1. Two-weapon style with imp. haste and offhand belm/kudane/scarlet. Best main hand is probably the flail, or axe of the unyielding. This lets you hit 9 or 10 attacks without the need for GWW. Pretty good since you can use another fighter HLA (they're not great though, unless the enemy is not crit-immune), plus you don't have to waste time casting GWW.
    2. Anything with GWW. Carsomyr and ram staff are best, also possibly vorpal weapons (silver sword and ravager halberd). You can also use GWW with dual weapons, in which case you don't need the belm offhand.
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