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Question About Throwing Weapons

Playing through BG:EE right now with a Fighter/Illusionist that I plan on taking through the whole sage (when BG2:EE is eventually released for Android). I know that they've patched the first one so that Strength affects the damage on slings, thrown daggers, and thrown axes. However, I've seen a few forum posts saying that this is no longer the case in the second game. These posts were all from 2013, so I'm curious if it's been changed since the game was re-released.

Long story short, I'm wondering if my Fighter/Illusionist can use his Strength to boost his damage with throwing daggers. Thanks!


  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited December 2014
    Throwing daggers don't currently get bonus damage from strength in BG2:EE. I don't think the game has been patched since those old posts. Once BG2:EE 1.3 rolls out this should be fixed. I think they said the patch should be out before the end of the year, but we'll see.
    Post edited by TJ_Hooker on
  • GentlemancerGentlemancer Member Posts: 3
    Thanks! Guess I'll throw 2 prof points in Axes or Slings just in case they don't patch the throwing daggers.
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