What should happen if a character leaves the game suddenly?(BG1:EE)

In public-games: if a player crashes, logs out or is kicked out, what should happen to their characters?
- What should happen if a character leaves the game suddenly?(BG1:EE)21 votes
- kill them  0.00%
- kill them and take loot  9.52%
- delete their character immediately  4.76%
- take their items from them, then delete their character  4.76%
- export the character then delete and import when they return19.05%
- "reform party" and kick them out  0.00%
- "reform party" them kill them  0.00%
- have another player control the character until they get back28.57%
- wait there about 2 minutes for them to return19.05%
- wait there about 15 minutes for them to return14.29%
Post edited by plesples4cql on