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What should happen if a character leaves the game suddenly?(BG1:EE)

plesples4cqlplesples4cql Member Posts: 42
edited January 2015 in Multiplayer
In public-games: if a player crashes, logs out or is kicked out, what should happen to their characters?
  1. What should happen if a character leaves the game suddenly?(BG1:EE)21 votes
    1. kill them
    2. kill them and take loot
    3. delete their character immediately
    4. take their items from them, then delete their character
    5. export the character then delete and import when they return
    6. "reform party" and kick them out
    7. "reform party" them kill them
    8. have another player control the character until they get back
    9. wait there about 2 minutes for them to return
    10. wait there about 15 minutes for them to return
Post edited by plesples4cql on


  • plesples4cqlplesples4cql Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2015
    Comments are VERY welcome.
    Post edited by plesples4cql on
  • plesples4cqlplesples4cql Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2015
    I changed the question. In lead, was answer 8 out of 10.
    Post edited by plesples4cql on
  • Borg_DealerOfDeathBorg_DealerOfDeath Member Posts: 79
    A number of times, I have players who drop suddenly...I used to kill em and reform party but now I just take control of em and give the one who left a chance to get back in the game ...10 to 15 miinutes...unless his char gets killed. If that happens, it happens.
  • plesples4cqlplesples4cql Member Posts: 42
    Please vote. I still use each vote to change my hosting slightly.
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