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Your ideas for evil arena party

Hi, i'm interested to hear your ideas for evil arena teams (black pits ect) and give me your opinion on mine.
My party is as follows

Krongir-Half Orc-Barbarian



Malyss-Elf (drow)-Priest of Talos

Insimos-Half Elf-Dragon Disciple



  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    You need a Priest of Lolth kit for the Drow!

    I would make the barbarian a dwarf and the berserker a horc to better utilize their strengths.

    Here are my choices

    Dwarf Barb
    Dwarf F/C
    Dark Moon Monkey
    Ass->Fighter (archery)
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    My party was

    Val'myr- Elf (drow) Cleric of Talos
    Piro - Gnome Rogue/Mage
    Kitze - Human Dark Moon Monk
    Aiyumii - Human Assassin
    Fae - Half-Elf Fighter/Druid
    Kurama - Human Blackguard.


    Val'myr - Elf (Drow) Cleric of Talos
    Piro - Gnome Bard (Dirgesinger from Song and Silence)
    Kitze - Human Dark Moon Monk
    Aiyumii - Human Thief (Sharpshooter)
    Fae - Elf Ranger (Archer, EEkeeper to NE)
    Kurama - Half-Orc Fighter (Ravager kit mod)

    I rarely do Dual Class because I'm always unsure when to dual >_<
    I also rarely use Mages/Sorcerers which is weird because the Necromancer is my favorite fantasy archetype and there's the Necromancer Wizard specialization and I have the Pale Master Sorcerer kit mod.


    New party I just came up with

    Val'myr - Elf (Drow) Cleric/Mage (EE Keeper to Cleric/Necromancer)
    Piro - Gnome Bard (Dirgesinger)
    Exsepher - Human Wizard (Necromancer)
    Milly Vex - Gnome Sorcerer (Pale Master)
    Kitze - Human Dark Moon Monk
    Kurama - Half-Orc Blackguard.

    Use all of the black magicks!

    Going go try this party now! Thanks for starting this discussion XD
  • dockaboomskidockaboomski Member Posts: 440
    edited December 2014
    I think your party is pretty solid. Some more divine support could help, though.

    How's this?

    Gnome Berserker OR Kensai (depending on personal choice)
    Gnome Fighter/Cleric
    Gnome Fighter/Illusionist
    Gnome Illusionist
    Gnome Cleric/Thief
    Human Necromancer OR Sorcerer (depending on personal choice)

    The Necromancer OR Sorcerer is neutral, and the gnomes all bully him for being tall, being a necromancer and/or using necromancy, and being so wishy-washy.

    If you don't use it, I'm still going to use it.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @dockaboomski‌ Too many scroll users, IMO. I hate how much money is wasted on scrolls in TBP2.
  • dockaboomskidockaboomski Member Posts: 440
    @FinneousPJ‌ I know, that's my only regret about it. They're way too much.
  • KrongirKrongir Member Posts: 19
    Thanks for the insight guys!

    @FinneousPJ you are right about the horc-bers/dwar-barb but I have to keep those characters the way they are for rp reasons (both old characters of mine) can you make a dwarven defender evil? And would that be a better choice than a bers?

    @vallmyr very nice party options, I won't be modding my party though :) was always interested in doing a dark moon monk, would you recommend?

    @dockaboomski looks like a very dangerous party ;)

    Are there lots of extra classes to choose from with mods??
  • KrongirKrongir Member Posts: 19
    @dockaboomski you think more clerics are needed?
  • dockaboomskidockaboomski Member Posts: 440
    It might be helpful. Is your cleric focusing on melee or ranged weapons?
  • KrongirKrongir Member Posts: 19
    probably a sling and shield
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @Krongir I don't like the limited movement speed of the dwarven defender, but it does have advantages as well. They're not limited in alignment.
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