2 general BG questions

1) How often is stealth checked once hide in shadows succeeds?
2) If a char can see an invisible foe and can successfully entangle that foe, will that foe then become targetable by those party members who cannot see through invisibility?
Thank you for your attention.
2) If a char can see an invisible foe and can successfully entangle that foe, will that foe then become targetable by those party members who cannot see through invisibility?
Thank you for your attention.
2) Yes, if someone in your party or as an ally (Devas/Planetars for example) can see invisible creatures and target them they become visible to all the party and allied creatures.
A turn in-game (10 rounds) is 60-seconds real time.
6 minutes of real time is equal to 60 rounds in-game - a full in-game hour.
Stealth is checked very 5 rounds in-game time, equal to 30 seconds of real-time.
1 day = 24 hours = 144 turns (real-time minutes) = 1440 rounds = 8640 seconds
1 hour = 6 turns (real-time minutes) = 60 rounds = 360 seconds
1 turn (real-time minute) = 10 rounds = 60 seconds
1 round = 6 seconds
Edit: Also, an in game hour is 5 minutes real time.
The 2 questions are related to vanilla BG1 (no EE or mods applied) which may alter how mechanics are being implemented. Apologies for not declaring that straight out.
The #1 stealth inquiry still seems vague to me, checking somewhere between every 1-5 rounds and at least somewhat dependent on class level and/or other factors. The reason I asked is that newly-fledged thieves need to stealth on eggshells, especially among foes like basilisks without 100% rating reached yet. Knowing the approximate interval would help determine how far into perception range can be traveled reliably (from check to check) until the danger of discovery (i.e. failed check) could become disastrous.
The #2 question relates to whether the graphics associated with a spell effect can potentially alter the concealment status of the opposition to other party members. I am trying to identify which effects in particular could expose targeting opportunities that would otherwise be impossible. So... perhaps a better question might be: can all graphic effects applied by spells (using the green mesh coating of Entangle as just one example) become visible by all members of the party? I suppose you could throw Sanctuary-concealed foes into the mix as well though it seems to treat both concealment methods about the same, graphics-wise anyway. Essentially, I am trying to discover whether there are other methods of revealing concealed foes than Detect Invisibility, Invisibility Purge, etc. (not sure if dispelling will reveal invisible and/or sanctuary concealment either).
Whether a single member possessed some version of permanent True Seeing or similar property never really entered my original deliberation (re: @lunar). That could be another discussion I suppose.
But thanks for all the input. Whether it fully resolved my concerns or not, I've learned quite a bit, regardless.