The Baldur's Gate Soundtrack MIDI Covers

Hi everybody!
This is my attempt to recreate a MIDI mockup of Baldur's Gate videogame soundtrack that I loved so much, starting from simple listening composer Michael Hoenig's OST audio cd.
Everything has been played and recorded entirely by ear, listening and analyzing to the original soundtrack.
The lack of any available orchestral score sheet or midi file (as much as I know) made the task particularly complicated, due to texture complexity of the original arrangements.
Therefore, this work does not claim to be an exact copy, but a cover, played with today's virtual instrumentation technology.
On the other hand, I tried to remain as faithful as possible to the original sound for obvious reasons of loyalty and gratitude to this great soundtrack, as it is.
Analyzing arrangements and instrumentation has been a useful task as well as exciting.
I put all my enthusiasm for this project, hoping that my efforts can be understood in its pure meaning of paying a homage to BG music, which gave me fun, in those years when I was little more than a kid, beginning to approach movie soundtracks.
I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies and possible error in this "impossible mission". I too am a human being with all my own limitations!
Any question or suggestion will be appreciated, feel free to post any comment you want.
Thanks for watching!
G.Pascal Marchese
This is my attempt to recreate a MIDI mockup of Baldur's Gate videogame soundtrack that I loved so much, starting from simple listening composer Michael Hoenig's OST audio cd.
Everything has been played and recorded entirely by ear, listening and analyzing to the original soundtrack.
The lack of any available orchestral score sheet or midi file (as much as I know) made the task particularly complicated, due to texture complexity of the original arrangements.
Therefore, this work does not claim to be an exact copy, but a cover, played with today's virtual instrumentation technology.
On the other hand, I tried to remain as faithful as possible to the original sound for obvious reasons of loyalty and gratitude to this great soundtrack, as it is.
Analyzing arrangements and instrumentation has been a useful task as well as exciting.
I put all my enthusiasm for this project, hoping that my efforts can be understood in its pure meaning of paying a homage to BG music, which gave me fun, in those years when I was little more than a kid, beginning to approach movie soundtracks.
I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies and possible error in this "impossible mission". I too am a human being with all my own limitations!
Any question or suggestion will be appreciated, feel free to post any comment you want.

Thanks for watching!
G.Pascal Marchese
Post edited by PascalMarchese on
Very good work, thank you so much : D