I am not sure if these spells are working correctly.

I use greater Mallison but it does not say their saving throws were lowered.
Hold monster spell seems to never work even with greater malison may be 1 in a 100 times IDk
I also would like to know if their are other mage spells that lower spell saving throws besides greater Malison
Hold monster spell seems to never work even with greater malison may be 1 in a 100 times IDk
I also would like to know if their are other mage spells that lower spell saving throws besides greater Malison
I been using them against things they should work against.
greater malison just does not seem to work or at least it does not say (this monster) saving throws were lowered like its supposed to at least it did that in BG 2 ToB.
Hold monster should work on any monster that's not undead I made a couple of party memebers then I removed them from my party. then I attacked them to make them enemies, Then I tested hold monster on them. It has not worked once. In BG2 it worked great in fact it was 1 of my favorite spells. I know it does not work on undead.
Do you know of any other mage spells that lower spell saving throws I don't see any yet.
Whats the last official patch I bought this one off Gog.
Also I just tried out hold monster and greater malison on a monster (a sword spider) and they both worked with no issues in the beta patch.
Its not just undead that are immune to hold effects. What specific creatures/npcs were you using these spells on?
@avenger ya they didn't have any special items to protect them in fact I actually removed their items before I removed them from the party and tested it.
Spells in IWD often work differently than BGEE/BG2EE. Keep that in mind.
For example. Greese spell looks like purple smoke or fog on the ground not like the dark liquid looking Greece in BG2.
The hold monster spell makes rainbow colored flash instead of the BG2 animation which was more simple and I liked it better.
I notice the pit fiend Lv.9 demon spell is using the model for the weak demon in Bg2.
these are just a few of the animations and models that I find out of place.
Is the new patch Official ?
Does greater malison stack with itself? So if I cast it multiple times it will lower their saves even more?
Is there another made spell that lowers saving throws?
BTW hold monster is working on monsters it just does not work on characters that I kick from party and then agro them. Force them to be my enemy.