Journal titles
As BG1 uses the BG2 engine there is an important gap to fill:
According to @Manuel, we need to create titles for every journal entry. Otherwise the game won't be able to group them.
ID 16002:
changes to
@Manuel will provide the German Team with a list of all journal entries. I will then provide you with a list of all IDs in order to let you add the titles more quickly.
@CameronTofer Please confirm if you need us to fill this gap.
According to @Manuel, we need to create titles for every journal entry. Otherwise the game won't be able to group them.
ID 16002:
Dear, absent-minded Phlydia has lost another of her books, "The History of Halruaa," this time. Last time she was at Candlekeep, she lost an entire four-volume set in the hay we keep for the cows.
changes to
Phlydia's lost book
Dear, absent-minded Phlydia has lost another of her books, "The History of Halruaa," this time. Last time she was at Candlekeep, she lost an entire four-volume set in the hay we keep for the cows.
Dear, absent-minded Phlydia has lost another of her books, "The History of Halruaa," this time. Last time she was at Candlekeep, she lost an entire four-volume set in the hay we keep for the cows.
@Manuel will provide the German Team with a list of all journal entries. I will then provide you with a list of all IDs in order to let you add the titles more quickly.
@CameronTofer Please confirm if you need us to fill this gap.
I was under the impression these lines would be made available to all spreadsheets. Were they not?
Are there supposed to be more lines ?
I've tried to add CONTINUE functions, but these extra 3000 strings don't show up.
ah, checked just now and we have all the strings
Follow these steps to fetch the new strings:
1) open your spreadsheet and select the cell which imports the strings (it should be A1 and B1). The upper right corner should be red and a message should appear which states that not all cells are visible to you.
2) Press Ctrl+Shift+E and wait for the document to fetch the new strings.
If it doesn't work, copy the function =ImportRange("[...]", "ID") and delete the cell's value. All following rows in column A should be empty now. Then paste the copied function back and hit enter.
If you repeat all of above for cell A1 and B1, your document will consist of ~27000 rows.
Edit 1: Or nevermind, I scrolled down and I can see more strings there
Edit 2: I notice these new strings are again from BG2. Is there a way to those strings from original translation (where applicable, I realise I won't do this to the new journal entries).
Unfortunately, it seems to be incorrect. Following Strings are connected, for instance: ...
@AndreaColombo : I did not know there was such a document (which could have saved me some time ^^)... and I don't have access to the beta forum. If I pm you my email address, would you send me access too ?
Thats why I've created an excel file with 500.000+ cells which contains all English strings and two different German translations.
You could easily copy the new strings and match them using my file. You still need to import the French translation. Bear in mind that there might be several strings which seem to match: you have to pick the right ones.
Anyone who's interested in that document (google docs implodes with that high amount of cells — and my 2011 computer needs minutes to load this document...) please send me a PM with your e-mail address.
You'll only get access to the beta forum after signing the NDA with Cameron.
It is not within my power to grant anyone access to the beta subforum. I thought all team leaders did, but I was apparently mistaken. If you need access for whatever reason, PM Cameron Tofer (it's him who manages this).
And worst case scenario, if I can't manage to figure it out, I still have the english .tlk of the game, so I can use the search function to identify the strings that need to be imported (I did so with the previous texts imported from BG2).
@AndreaColombo : I don't have to have access to the beta forum, there may be a reason why I was not granted access (I'm not a beta-tester, after all). But every document or piece of information that might help us with the translating/correcting the strings is more than welcome