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Hang on... so how do I get the 1.3 patch, then?

The strangest of difficulties here. How on earth do I get the 1.3 patch? I logged on to Steam, as that's where I bought the game from, and thought I'd be able to download it from there. But no - for one reason or another, Steam doesn't remember (?) that I've bought it. I can't find any button to push where I could start the download. This is very strange.

Steam DOES know and remember that I've bought IWD:EE. But there's nothing about BG2:EE for me, even though I bought the game from Steam and still have it.


  • KefkaKefka Member Posts: 46
    The patch may not be released in Steam yet, it usually takes longer to get there.
  • RonnaannRonnaann Member Posts: 48
    This is not relevant to your query, but for Android, I found that i couldn't find BG2EE when searching for it in the Play store, but instead, there is a link to the play-store location from the main BG2EE website.
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    @Kefka: They did have the release notes available on Steam, so I would suppose it is there.

    Hmm... How am I going to get the patch on my PC game? I suppose it'll work out somehow.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Kefka said:

    The patch may not be released in Steam yet, it usually takes longer to get there.

    Nah it was on Steam on time.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    Steam downloaded the patch to me automatically yesterday evening (16/12) - I only noticed because I always play offline and the game wouldn't load until I went online and then I got the message 'go away and make a cup of tea while we mess around with your computer' (or words to that effect).
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    This the damnedest thing, really. I wonder what on earth has gone wrong here. I wonder if @Dee can say anything about this.

    Incidentally, where do you even see the version number in BG2:EE?
  • KefkaKefka Member Posts: 46
    I think there's an option to keep the game updated in Steam. Try going to the game's properties to check if it's active.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited December 2014

    Ahem. Very sorry. Feeling quite foolish now. Steam, BeamDog, who can remember the difference... downloading now.

    Nice :)
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    There's exquisite comedy in making a complete idiot of yourself. Highly recommended, every now and then.
  • supposedlysupposedly Member Posts: 206

    Ahem. Very sorry. Feeling quite foolish now. Steam, BeamDog, who can remember the difference... downloading now.

  • We all have the right to make a fool of ourselves from time to time; I try and not make it a "Career"~!
  • mement0mement0 Member Posts: 105
    If it makes you feel any better, I have managed to create an elven berserker and a human barbarian.
    It should have been the opposite so that I could dual the human berserker to cleric.
    Realized it after half hour of gameplay.
    I blame the pre-coffee morning hours.
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