Share your Characters

Feel free to move this to it's proper place if I'm posting this in the wrong section
Kinda want people to post their characters, both Bhaalspawn and otherwise, to share. Custom portrait, custom race, custom story, you name it, just throw your head canons on up here like a biography and geek out with each other about your characters.
Characters that aren't Gorion's Ward are especially welcome because they're entirely head canon, and that's always more interesting. However, I ain't gonna delete anything just because you're fond of your Charname.
I'd only ask we keep the discussions to a minimum because nobody likes shifting through dozens of conversation posts while trying to read what people have shared. Or maybe it's just me.
Looking forward to reading what y'all have to share!
Kinda want people to post their characters, both Bhaalspawn and otherwise, to share. Custom portrait, custom race, custom story, you name it, just throw your head canons on up here like a biography and geek out with each other about your characters.
Characters that aren't Gorion's Ward are especially welcome because they're entirely head canon, and that's always more interesting. However, I ain't gonna delete anything just because you're fond of your Charname.
I'd only ask we keep the discussions to a minimum because nobody likes shifting through dozens of conversation posts while trying to read what people have shared. Or maybe it's just me.
Looking forward to reading what y'all have to share!
So, uh, have a charname, chosen more-or-less at random. Time for some synopsis-level fanfic, complete with requisite drama. :P
Elf Archer
Although she was raised in Candlekeep, Scathach had little interest in books. She longed, instead, for the outside world. Gorion encouraged her to read about the world, and indeed Candlekeep had books on everything exciting, from tales of hair-raising adventure to catalogs of plants and animals, but none of these captured Scathach's interest like the view from the walls. She would spend her evenings there, firing arrows at trees in the vague hope of interacting in some way with honest-to-gods nature. And occasionally, if she was very good, Gorion would take Scathach outside the walls. He would show her the plants she had read about in books, let her run free through the forest for a few hours, at least. And for that, more than anything else, Scathach loved her foster-father.
And then, one fateful day, it ended. I don't have to explain the details, you all know them well enough. Scathach finally had the freedom she'd always yearned for, but at the cost of Gorion's life. For the first time, she wanted nothing more than to be back in Candlekeep, buried in books she didn't want to read. She wanted to be safe, to be loved. She wanted her father back.
But she couldn't go back, and Gorion was dead. So she pushed forward anyway, filling the void with drink and sex and bloody, bloody vengeance. Again, you know most of what followed. She dismantled the Iron Throne, killed her brother, and was captured by an insane sorcerer desparate for her divine spark. In time, she killed him too, only to be drawn into a conflict over the essence of a dead god. She ended that just as decisively, locking away the god's power forever. Scathach wanted nothing to do with Bhaal, in the end. No matter what blood ran through her veins, the Lord of Murder was not her father.
Along the way, Scathach met a young Sun Soul monk. Brought together by loss and a desire to see justice imposed upon an unjust world, they became comrades, then fast friends. They fell into light flirtation, then, but Scathach was reluctant to go any further. Eventually, she revealed why. She was pregnant, from one night of drunken revelry or another, with no idea who the father was. She was ashamed, and frightened of what the monk might think of her. She loved him, but how could he love her?
Easily, as it turned out. The monk hardly approved of Scathach's habits, but who was he to judge her? Instead, he resolved to aid her. To help her face her loss without destroying herself. To stand beside her in battle. And, if she would have him, to see that she did not raise the child alone. And so when Scathach couldn't bear her grief, she had a shoulder to cry on. When she drank herself sick, she had someone to hold back her hair. When she fought, she had someone to stand between her and her enemies (although in truth, she hardly needed it). And when she had her child, after all the battles were won and the dead god's taint finally sealed away, the little girl had a father after all. Not a father in blood, true, but as with her mother before her, that never mattered at all.
Okay, that's enough cheesy writing. Gods above, you guys must think me a sap now. Oh well. Can't fault you for think something true.
A mage of some power was he
Many friends had he knew
Including a hamster called Boo
Until he was squashed to goo.
Chaotic Good Human Jester
Wields twin daggers and a crossbow, though not all at once, unless he's showing off in the pub. Full of ale and wanderlust, he has an unusual "dog" familiar, Monty, who follows him everywhere. Good for a laugh now and then, but don't lend him any money, as he's like to be back on the road come morning, (well okay, maybe afternoon).
Frances (placeholder name)
Female halfling paladin
Mounted archer spec, originally conceived for Pathfinder
Frances is a bit of an oddity, both as a halfling and as a paladin. As a halfling, she's far too grim and serious, and as a paladin, she's too ruthless and takes her time off way too seriously (her order believes a lack of recreational outlets for paladins is why so many of them fall, and therefore encourages its members to cut loose when there's no evil around to fight). She's also an archer, which goes against traditional paladin views on fairness in combat, and rides a massive warhound into battle. Her specialty is hunting down the unjust, more than defending the innocent, so speed and range pay greater dividends for her than brute strength.
Sir Benedict Morley
Male human knight
Melee spec, plus secret abilities, originally conceived for a freeform RP that fell through
Sir Benedict is a thoroughly average knight in every way, except that several years back he rid the land of the necromancer lord Abris Maht. No one is sure exactly how he managed it, and for a while he was the talk of the land. Then he continued to be merely average in court and tournaments, and everyone became rather disappointed. As a result, Ben is even less popular than he was before his one great victory.
In reality, Abris Maht was Ben's uncle, and taught the knight a fair bit of his own necromancy. Ben was able to use this power, and a fair bit of the element of surprise, to kill his uncle and bind his soul. Since that time, Maht's bound soul has taught Ben more of necromancy, and the young knight is now quite powerful indeed. He spends his time binding the souls of those who died championing just causes, giving them another life to spend for what's right. Ben can't exactly reveal this to court, though, so by all appearances he remains merely an unimpressive knight.
Julian (placeholder name)
Male human... mage?
Thief/mage/chemist spec, not originally conceived for any particular system
Julian is a mage of immense power, or so he would have you believe. In reality, he's just a very good charlatan, using chemical concoctions to mimic the effects of weak spells. Smoke bombs and flash powder, plus a little bit of theatrics, go a long way towards convincing the unwashed masses of one's immense powers. And Julian's enemies are similarly confused, all the better. He has a knife ready for them when they least expect it.
Except actually that's also a rouse. Julian actually *is* a mage, and a pretty good one. Of course, most of what he does really is just theatrics and chemistry, but every once in a while, when things seem truly dire, he falls back on the real magic. By that time, his enemies will probably have figured out that his tricks are just that, and the real thing is the last thing they'll expect.
Val'myr, a Drow raised by a Cult of Necromancers and proceeded to become one himself.
He's an Elf Cleric usually but have made him a Half-Elf Cleric/Mage (Master of Divine and Arcane Necromancy!) in some cases. My very first D&D character ever made for a 3.5 campaign. Necromancers are my favorite archetype. Personality is kind/caring and uses Necromancy to become a master of life and death, healing and harming. True Neutral alignment.
Piro - A Fey-blooded gnome illusionist shunned from normal gnome society for her unusual appearance/talents.
She's a gnome Arcane Trickster character. I usually make her a Mage/Thief or for 2E games an Illusionist/Thief. Inspired in my head-canon as Val'myr's love interest. Personality is very carefree, very derpy (wisdom 8 usually), and very chaotic. Chaotic Neutral alignment.
Kitze - A human monk that rejects monastic traditions and left his temple. Personality is generic hot headed kung-fu guy that eventually becomes a wise master. In BG/IWD I make him a Kensai since there is no un-lawful monks. In Pathfinder he uses the Martial Artist archetype to be an un-lawful monk. My IRL best friend's fantasy persona and Val's best friend in game. Neutral Good
Aiyumii - A human monk trained to be a killer for her order. She would start as evil but turn good over the course of the adventure. Personality is she has slight snobbishness of a noble but acts very motherly once her alignment shifts and becomes the conscience of the group. In game would be a Dark Moon Monk. Kitze's primary love interest. Lawful Evil but would turn to be Lawful Good if the game allowed it.
Fae - An Elven archer trained to hunt and kill evil beings and would use her innate attachment to nature to help her secure kills. Very stoic, secretive, and serious killer but learns to lighten up and open up over the course of her character growth. In game she's a chaotic good Elven Ranger (Archer). Created by my Ex-girlfriend/currently just best friends IRL. Would set it up that Val and Fae had a relationship that mirrors mine and hers IRL.
Aria - A human Paladin born in the north. She originally was merely a guard that went on an expedition to close a portal to the negative energy plane. All of her comrades died except for her while closing the portal. She became tainted by the negative energy and became resistant to its effects. Her town rejected her for being tainted and she wandered the cold north until finding a monastery to Pharasma (Pathfinder deity). There she learned that she could use the negative energy taint within her to sense undead and therefore hunt them. In game I make her an undead hunter and RP it that the taint cut her connection to the light so no lay on hands but the taint causes her to be immune to many undead status effects. Lawful Good. I, Kitze's creator, and Fae's creator joint made this character because none of us like warrior characters but felt we needed one in our head-canon party so we made Aria.
I, Kitze's creator, and Fae's creator day dream about fantasy often and play a lot of these make your own party RPGs and so we came up with a full party that we use between games and discuss how we RP their interactions in game and such. I live in the US, Kitze's creator is deployed in the military, and Fae's creator lives in South Africa currently so we don't get to play Tabletop D&D/Pathfinder often so this is our substitute.
I'm currently debating if I want to make Val'myr a Bard and that he's actually a failure of a necromancer but can make it very convincing he knows what he's talking about XD. I really like the Dirge Bard from Pathfinder even if they don't make the best necromancers
Edit the Second: For some reason Val'myr's portrait is in the middle of his description >_> Not sure how to fix. The text-link thing is after it. Odd.
Edit the Third: Fixed it! I used
My most recent BG1:EE character:
You can read more about her and her adventures here:
She's strong-willed, assertive, and defiant, but fundamentally honorable and benevolent (i.e: she's respectful of other people's property, and will always take action when innocent folk are in danger). She's also an extremely versatile warrior, equally adept at sharpshooting from long range with a composite bow or slashing away at closer quarters with a halberd.
And this is my current IWD party, which I discuss in greater detail here:
Basically, this party has a unifying "bad girls"/Thelma & Louise-type theme - only non-lawful females are allowed.
The party leader shares much the same attributes and fighting style as my BG1 barbarian (wielding a 2-handed axe in place of a halberd), but her personality is quite a bit different. While not flagrantly evil, my IWD barbarian is a bit unscrupulous, and while she will also intervene on behalf of innocent folk, she does so grudgingly and often looking to get some monetary gain out of it - somewhat similar to Han Solo in the original Star Wars.
Aureol Cuillan does not have a grand backstory; he is a mere Priest of Lathander from Baldur's Gate. He was raised by devout and faithful parents, so he joined the priesthood at a very young age. Aureol never sought to fight, seeking mostly to be a healer. However, his good friend in the faith, Dmirio the paladin, requested Aureol join him on the crusade to the North, and Aureol reluctantly obliged.
Also, in-game portraits for the win