Protagonist's biography

As you know, it wasn't possible to write a custom biography during character creation in Baldur's Gate. New adventurers were described by some default ones, consisting of two paragraphs. The first one was based on the chosen race and class while the second one was the same for every new character.
In Baldur's Gate II those who wanted additional ways to customize their characters got what they asked for. Below the character portrait was a button that allowed to preview a default biography (the same for everyone) or even erase everything that was written there and enter a custom text.
My question is, will Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition allow players to customize the biography of their characters? I assume so, given the fact that the game takes the most from Throne of Bhaal. Will it be possible to edit biography during the adventures? (Really hope so!)
I'm also curious how many players actually bother writing their own characters' biographies. To be honest, I've never done that myself in any Baldur's Gate game because I thought that the default ones are already well written. But this time I think I'll give it a try.
In Baldur's Gate II those who wanted additional ways to customize their characters got what they asked for. Below the character portrait was a button that allowed to preview a default biography (the same for everyone) or even erase everything that was written there and enter a custom text.
My question is, will Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition allow players to customize the biography of their characters? I assume so, given the fact that the game takes the most from Throne of Bhaal. Will it be possible to edit biography during the adventures? (Really hope so!)
I'm also curious how many players actually bother writing their own characters' biographies. To be honest, I've never done that myself in any Baldur's Gate game because I thought that the default ones are already well written. But this time I think I'll give it a try.
For BG2 I've never written my own biography, though I've edited it (and the journal) to make it less annoying to read; for some reason it irks me immensely how they often use double or triple spaces.
In ID2 I wrote full biographies for 2 of my parties though, but that had a bit to do with playing it in multiplayer now and then and the vanilla biographies there are very bad imo.
What`s the point of doing evil deeds if no-one finds out?
Why bother farting in an elevator if no-one knows who`s bowels they are enjoying.
Iwd needed it.
Or perhaps a side-quest develops simply by virtue of having and keeping one, eg, it gets pick-pocketed, lost, etc.
In the dim recesses of my memory, I'm recalling that it is possible to make your own journal entries in BG. Or is this a feature of a mod? Maybe another game than BG altogether? I can no longer recall...
Thanks, it's all hazy both due to time and distance from the game, and the fact that I played BGT exclusively after a while.