another iso metric rpg game

well first of all feel free to delete this if its to unfitting for this forum.
I really really like the old school iso metric games. i never had more fun with computer games.
all of my fav old game, baldurs gate fallout and many other games were played like this.
so yesterday i found out another game, a totaly new game with a new game engine in the same genre, is comming out in the near future (2013).
this was really flying under my radar, but it looks really promising.. its called wasteland 2
there isnt really alot to look at at the moment, but check it out, if you as me really like the genre.
I really really like the old school iso metric games. i never had more fun with computer games.
all of my fav old game, baldurs gate fallout and many other games were played like this.
so yesterday i found out another game, a totaly new game with a new game engine in the same genre, is comming out in the near future (2013).
this was really flying under my radar, but it looks really promising.. its called wasteland 2
there isnt really alot to look at at the moment, but check it out, if you as me really like the genre.
so its new?..
Also, some of the people on the WL2 kickstarter were directly responsible for FO1 and FO2. So while it's a "new game" per se, it's a continuation of an old system.