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another iso metric rpg game

etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
well first of all feel free to delete this if its to unfitting for this forum.

I really really like the old school iso metric games. i never had more fun with computer games.
all of my fav old game, baldurs gate fallout and many other games were played like this.

so yesterday i found out another game, a totaly new game with a new game engine in the same genre, is comming out in the near future (2013).
this was really flying under my radar, but it looks really promising.. its called wasteland 2
there isnt really alot to look at at the moment, but check it out, if you as me really like the genre.


  • AntonAnton Member, Moderator, Mobile Tester Posts: 513
    etagloc said:

    ..totaly new game..

    You must be kidding.
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    edited August 2012
    Anton said:

    etagloc said:

    ..totaly new game..

    You must be kidding.
    well i know wasteland is a very very old game.. but this one hasnt even been published yet, and its not a remake.
    so its new?..
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited August 2012
    the guys from jagged alliance 2 are doing an iso rpg too fyi. Not very much info has been released but worth something to keep an eye on too;) A fantasy game!
  • TalvraeTalvrae Member Posts: 315
    there will be ShadowRun Return who was very succesful kickstarter that's going to be an iso rpg
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    edited August 2012
    News of WL2 and SRR really shouldn't be new to anyone here. WL2 was like the most famous KS campaign after Double Fine I believe. But yeah, it's great that these things are happening.
  • MoiraMoira Member Posts: 173
    Aww c'mon guys, there may be others like @etagloc who haven't run into WL2 before. Shouldn't diss anyone for honestly wanting to spread isometric rpg happiness around :)
  • SallparadiseSallparadise Member Posts: 94
    @etagloc. Wasteland 1 was the precurser to the Fallout series, as a ton of elements were heavily borrowed from Wasteland for Fallout.
    Also, some of the people on the WL2 kickstarter were directly responsible for FO1 and FO2. So while it's a "new game" per se, it's a continuation of an old system.
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