Ctrl + Space not opening Console on Mac

I have a Macbook Pro, iOS 10.10, and I use the Mac Beta version of BG:EE from Steam.
I read through all of the forums on this site discussing the issue of not being able to open the CLUA Console, especially the threads concerning macs. My .ini file is edited and formatted correctly to include
'Program Options' 'Debug Mode' '1',
However, Ctrl + Space isn't opening up the console. Any ideas on how to make this work?
I read through all of the forums on this site discussing the issue of not being able to open the CLUA Console, especially the threads concerning macs. My .ini file is edited and formatted correctly to include
'Program Options' 'Debug Mode' '1',
However, Ctrl + Space isn't opening up the console. Any ideas on how to make this work?