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The party of identical twins

Let's say that for RP-purposes, you'd have to make a party that was consisted of identical twins(always making 2 of each character, same race, class and proficiencies), what woul be your choices?

Only things allowed different are their gear, since you can't have 2 Croms fe. Proficiencies would have to be the same though.

Try to consider utility as well as roleplaying. And fun ofc. :smiley:


  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,450
    That is an amusing concept. I've often done family and sibling themed parties, but identical twins is an interesting twist.
    I suppose it would be quite doable with say two identical warriors, two identical cleric/Mages, and then maybe two characters with the same stats, but one a warrior, the other thief or thief/multi. That would be a balanced party with an odd group!
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Making twins have same class and proficiencies would be bad role playing. Twins don't end up automatically making the same choices in life.

    I do get your idea, though. I would probably get 2 F/Ms, 2 R/Cs and 2 F/M/Ts.
  • DullSkullTheSecondDullSkullTheSecond Member Posts: 243
    Two assassins or mage/thief would probably be pretty nice. As for race I would go with dwarf or elf and proficiency would be either be staves or short-swords/longsword.

    As for gear I'm unsure if I go for staves it would be staff of the ram and staff of the magi. If short/long it would probably depend a lot on the encounter. But possible candidates would be: shortsword of backstabbing, kundane, cutthroat, sword of mask, daystar, blackrazor and angurvadal.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    edited December 2014
    They wouldn't need to have the same class and profs.
    One of my best friends is an identical twin and his brother is a completely different person. They not only have different personalities but have chosen diametrically opposed career paths - one is a research scientist, the other a violin maker.
    Post edited by dunbar on
  • TidusTidus Member Posts: 86
    an interesting option would be to go all humans, identical starting stats and classes, and then dual class them into different ones...
  • AutocratAutocrat Member Posts: 68
    Two paladins. One Fallen.
  • ShikaoShikao Member Posts: 376
    Please keep in mind, it's not a thread about whether restrictions posted by OP are realistic or not =P

    @yannir, would casters need to learn/prepare the same spells?

    Front line: 2 warriors, probably Half-orcs F/C (or EEKeeped R/C), both proficient in TWF, but one would be using shield.
    Back line: 2 arcane - sorcerers or Wild Mages (for double surge fun XD)
    Middle line: well, I am missing thief - so some multiclass thieves, one using shortbow, other crossbow
  • YannirYannir Member Posts: 595
    @Shikao Learn yes, prepare no. Although if u take sorc, u don't have much choice..:smiley:

    Let's make them magical twins then where if one learns something, the other one will as well.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Just because they start the same it doesn't mean they have to develop the same ...

    So, in IWD:
    2 kensei (dual one to Druid and one to Thief)
    2 elf dragon disciples
    2 dwarf fighter/clerics
  • YannirYannir Member Posts: 595
    Well I don't want to impose too many rules to discourage creativity but having them develop the same way as well presents more of a challenge. That's pretty much the point.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Yannir said:

    Well I don't want to impose too many rules to discourage creativity but having them develop the same way as well presents more of a challenge. That's pretty much the point.

  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    1x blackguard + 1x inquisitor
    1x transmuter + 1x diviner
    1x thief dualed to cleric + 1x thief dualed to fighter

    I think.....
  • pixie359pixie359 Member Posts: 251
    2 x Cleric/Rangers - TWF, starting with flails, then hammers and maces I guess.
    2 x Fighter/Thieves - TWF, probably Long swords for the main hand, then Short swords and scimitars.
    2 x Sorcerers

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