The party of identical twins

Let's say that for RP-purposes, you'd have to make a party that was consisted of identical twins(always making 2 of each character, same race, class and proficiencies), what woul be your choices?
Only things allowed different are their gear, since you can't have 2 Croms fe. Proficiencies would have to be the same though.
Try to consider utility as well as roleplaying. And fun ofc.
Only things allowed different are their gear, since you can't have 2 Croms fe. Proficiencies would have to be the same though.
Try to consider utility as well as roleplaying. And fun ofc.

I suppose it would be quite doable with say two identical warriors, two identical cleric/Mages, and then maybe two characters with the same stats, but one a warrior, the other thief or thief/multi. That would be a balanced party with an odd group!
I do get your idea, though. I would probably get 2 F/Ms, 2 R/Cs and 2 F/M/Ts.
As for gear I'm unsure if I go for staves it would be staff of the ram and staff of the magi. If short/long it would probably depend a lot on the encounter. But possible candidates would be: shortsword of backstabbing, kundane, cutthroat, sword of mask, daystar, blackrazor and angurvadal.
One of my best friends is an identical twin and his brother is a completely different person. They not only have different personalities but have chosen diametrically opposed career paths - one is a research scientist, the other a violin maker.
@yannir, would casters need to learn/prepare the same spells?
Front line: 2 warriors, probably Half-orcs F/C (or EEKeeped R/C), both proficient in TWF, but one would be using shield.
Back line: 2 arcane - sorcerers or Wild Mages (for double surge fun XD)
Middle line: well, I am missing thief - so some multiclass thieves, one using shortbow, other crossbow
Let's make them magical twins then where if one learns something, the other one will as well.
So, in IWD:
2 kensei (dual one to Druid and one to Thief)
2 elf dragon disciples
2 dwarf fighter/clerics
1x transmuter + 1x diviner
1x thief dualed to cleric + 1x thief dualed to fighter
I think.....
2 x Fighter/Thieves - TWF, probably Long swords for the main hand, then Short swords and scimitars.
2 x Sorcerers