Passwords on Multiplayer games

in Multiplayer
Remind me why so many have "Passowords" on their Multi-player games - I guess they dont want "outsiders" joining???
In the end, no matter what the cause is, there's always a reason; So nobody screws with them.
For example my MP game with forum friends has been played as a roleplay driven "online D&D" game. We spend 10 minutes fighting and 20 minutes bantering about what just happened. All of us have non-optimal characters and we do non-optimal things all the time in theme with our characters. (Like throwing a fireball at an ice barrier when I know it will have no effect.)
That kinda game will drive any powergamer mad within minutes. Similarly if I rolled into a game with a "mere mortal" with no 18 in their stats, and somebody jumps in with an EEkeeper'd 25 in everything, I'd just rage quit instantly.
as for what you said @Heindrich it's all swings and roundabouts, while I can understand what your saying, I don't necessarily share the same opinion or view, personally I like to join peoples games randomly because that's how you meet new and interesting adventurers that you may get along with, and if you enjoy your time in their game you may join them again at a later point.
simply put I prefer a more spontaneous and random encounter than a pre-organised event.