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Sorcerers should have had wild magic option.

lvdisturbed1lvdisturbed1 Member Posts: 20
Logically, sorcerers should have access to wild magic. Seeing as they cast magic intuitively, it just makes sense that they would lean a bit more on wild magic since their spell casting is a natural talent. It is unfortunate that with the limitations of the IE, there can't be a "wild sorcerer" kit. I hope someone out there makes a kit that enables wild magic for the sorcerer that I can replace the existing one with. That is all...


  • Doom972Doom972 Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2012
    Wild Magic is a phenomenon caused by the events of the time of troubles, some mages take time to study it so that they can make use of it, those are wild mages.
    Since sorcerers don't study magic as mages do, they won't be able to do much with it.

    Saying that they should be able to use wild magic, is like saying that they should be able to specialize.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Hmm. Based on the in-game description of Wild Mages, they actually study it spesifically... which is kinda opposed to Sorcerers who don't study any field of magic spesifically, which is why they don't have specialist kits. I can indeed see how wild magic would fit sorcerers what with using really powerful magic forces and cutting corners in casting and stuff, but it doesn't belong more than Necromantic Sorcerers or Evoking Sorcerers etc.
  • lvdisturbed1lvdisturbed1 Member Posts: 20
    Damn I had forgotten wild magic was a product from the time of troubles. Still...I want a wild magic wielding sorcerer damnit lol.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    edited August 2012
    BG:EE will be quite moddable they say so your wish probably isn't unrealistic. And you can't be the only person in the world that wants specialist sorcerers so it's just a matter of getting someone to do it. :)
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    I think I once read a forum entry by somebody who successfully created a wild sorcerer in BG2 by simply adding the kit via Shadowkeeper.
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    Wizards also study "regular" magic yet sorcerers have access to it despite the fact that they don't. See no lore-related reason why Sorcs shouldn't go wild, only possible balance reasons. But it fits them so well.

    Not that the devs will do it but it's a thought.
  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308

    Under that you'll find the Chaos Sorcerer right at the beginning, so lore arguments do not work here.
  • lvdisturbed1lvdisturbed1 Member Posts: 20
    Thanks Aliteri, that was an interesting read. Someone make this kit when BG:EE comes out...please?
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Aren't chaos Sorcerers 4E? that was the first time I heard of them.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    For me, I just wonder what a Wild or Chaos Sorcerer kit would do that a sorcerer doesn't already do. The Wild Mage's bread and butter is the ability to cast any of the spells in his spellbook (with a chance of wild surge). The Sorcerer already does that.
  • lvdisturbed1lvdisturbed1 Member Posts: 20
    Its likely that Chaos sorcerer is 4E. Forgotten Realms wiki also states wild mages are in fact sorcerers. The problem with wild mages as implemented in BG is the fact they have to memorize spells in advance like mages (Note:my opinion here guys). Because of this, wild mages in BG loose the versatility of sorcerers. If they had a sorcerers casting mechanics, they could cast whatever spells they saw fit, only resorting to using reckless dwemner if they ran out of spells of a higher lvl. Currently, to cast a spell they didn't memorize beforehand, they HAVE to gamble with reckless dwemner, and also have to spend lvl 1 slots to memorize it, at the cost of other lvl one spells.
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    Nice ideas for sorcerer kits there. The Cosmic Sorc could have a different set of spells for night and day or, at least, the potency of spells could change depending on time of day. Summon Deva in day-time, summon Fallen Deva after sunset. Good times.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    I think they only way they could implement a Wild Sorc is to attach the wild mage randomized table to the sorc list.
  • lvdisturbed1lvdisturbed1 Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2012
    Well that and allow the sorcerer to cast reckless dwemner, chaos shield ect.

    Sounds simple...but I'm not sure if the IE would allow it...
  • AntonAnton Member, Moderator, Mobile Tester Posts: 513
  • EpitomyofShynessEpitomyofShyness Member Posts: 113
    I would love for a wild sorcerer, if it became an option I would play it! I have always wanted to play Wild Mage, but I hate mages so no.
  • ShadowlessShadowless Member Posts: 6
    Yes, I want this so badly, it is possible to due with shadowkeeper but you must undo the wild mage kit every time you levelup and then re add it when you finish leveling up which is a pain. I also don't see why you can't dual/multiclass a sorcerer considering you don't have to spend forever learning spells like mages do you should have plenty of time to do other things.
  • EpitomyofShynessEpitomyofShyness Member Posts: 113
    @Shadowless As I understand it it is for balance, but it is both unrealistic and annoying. Hopefully they'll soft code this stuff so the modder's can fulfill our dreams!
  • ShadowlessShadowless Member Posts: 6
    Yes, I could see how a dual class sorcerer could be unbalanced, and to be honest I personally don't dual class often but I want wild Sorcerer mainly for the flavor of being my favorite class with the added bonus of chaos (like casting gate on accident in Irenicus dungeon funny and fun at the same time!)
  • EpitomyofShynessEpitomyofShyness Member Posts: 113
    I know me to! :D
  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308

    Sorcerers themselves aren't exactly 2E either.
    @Aosaw said:

    For me, I just wonder what a Wild or Chaos Sorcerer kit would do that a sorcerer doesn't already do. The Wild Mage's bread and butter is the ability to cast any of the spells in his spellbook (with a chance of wild surge). The Sorcerer already does that.

    True. I once created a Chaos Sorcerer through Shadowkeeper and realized just that, the Dwemer spell's greatest bonus, the added spontaneity to a Wizard's spellcasting, is lost to a caster that is fully spontaneous to begin with.

    However, the use stated in the spell's description is still there: as a last resort.

    What I do wonder is how Wild Magic spells are going to be dealt with, having to sacrifice 3 known spells to make actual use of your wild magic, at diminished efficiency over the Wild Wizard (as stated above), might not be worth it. Given the disadvantage of wild surges, it might not be unbalanced to just give the spells to the Wild Sorcerer.

  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    i started a wild mage first cast i got my gender changed second cast lost all my cash third cast fireball fourth cast gender back to where it should be and fifth cast another fireball so no wild mages for me way too random :D and it didnt cast what i wanted at all not even one time.
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    Jean_Luc said:

    Wizards also study "regular" magic yet sorcerers have access to it despite the fact that they don't.

    Sorcerer's magic is innate, they don't study it, they know it intuitively.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    raywind said:

    i started a wild mage first cast i got my gender changed second cast lost all my cash third cast fireball fourth cast gender back to where it should be and fifth cast another fireball so no wild mages for me way too random :D and it didnt cast what i wanted at all not even one time.

    Yeah, the one time I played a Wild Mage I reloaded a lot. It was fun and all, but a string of bad luck like that can suck the fun out of the game rather quickly.
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