Sorcerers should have had wild magic option.
Member Posts: 20
Logically, sorcerers should have access to wild magic. Seeing as they cast magic intuitively, it just makes sense that they would lean a bit more on wild magic since their spell casting is a natural talent. It is unfortunate that with the limitations of the IE, there can't be a "wild sorcerer" kit. I hope someone out there makes a kit that enables wild magic for the sorcerer that I can replace the existing one with. That is all...
Since sorcerers don't study magic as mages do, they won't be able to do much with it.
Saying that they should be able to use wild magic, is like saying that they should be able to specialize.
Not that the devs will do it but it's a thought.
Under that you'll find the Chaos Sorcerer right at the beginning, so lore arguments do not work here.
Sounds simple...but I'm not sure if the IE would allow it...
You are not alone in your desires
Sorcerers themselves aren't exactly 2E either. True. I once created a Chaos Sorcerer through Shadowkeeper and realized just that, the Dwemer spell's greatest bonus, the added spontaneity to a Wizard's spellcasting, is lost to a caster that is fully spontaneous to begin with.
However, the use stated in the spell's description is still there: as a last resort.
What I do wonder is how Wild Magic spells are going to be dealt with, having to sacrifice 3 known spells to make actual use of your wild magic, at diminished efficiency over the Wild Wizard (as stated above), might not be worth it. Given the disadvantage of wild surges, it might not be unbalanced to just give the spells to the Wild Sorcerer.