AC of monks V1.3

Hi all,
In the previous BGEE/BG2EE version there was an issue when importing monks because their AC was handled differently in both game :
- in BGEE, they get a bonus to their base AC, making it cumulative to bracers, potions of defense,....
- in BG2EE, their base levels improves (making it not cumulative to bracers and such, which make them a lot less OP)
When you imported, you got the benefits of both : you kept the bonus from BGEE (something like +5 IIRC), and, upon reaching level 10, the base level was changed, in accordance to BG2EE way. This lead to having a permanent +5 bonus to AC making monks virtually immune to physical damage
Anyone know if this has been fixed in patch 1.3?
In the previous BGEE/BG2EE version there was an issue when importing monks because their AC was handled differently in both game :
- in BGEE, they get a bonus to their base AC, making it cumulative to bracers, potions of defense,....
- in BG2EE, their base levels improves (making it not cumulative to bracers and such, which make them a lot less OP)
When you imported, you got the benefits of both : you kept the bonus from BGEE (something like +5 IIRC), and, upon reaching level 10, the base level was changed, in accordance to BG2EE way. This lead to having a permanent +5 bonus to AC making monks virtually immune to physical damage
Anyone know if this has been fixed in patch 1.3?
I have just created a level 7 monk in BG2EE, and they have a natural AC of 6, with a dex bonus of -4.
Does anyone know if this is the intended behaviour?
I can't do this test myself as I am waiting for the 1.3 release to hit the Mac App store, but hopefully there are enough folks reading who can perform this test and give the result.