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high resolutions

johnnydgoodjohnnydgood Member Posts: 38
I tried playing bg with a high resolution using bgtutu. But the characters were so small I felt I was too far away from the game, from where the action was.
Will the high resolutions in bgee have the same problem?


  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207


    • Native support for high resolutions.
      BG:EE natively supports high resolutions in 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 format up to 2880x1800. The source area art will be filtered via hardware to scale it as required and enable the zoom in/out feature.
    • Dynamic zoom in/out feature.
      It will be possible to zoom in and out of the battlefield dynamically during gameplay by scrolling the mouse wheel up and down, within generous limits.
    • New, high resolution cinematics.
      The original, low resolution 3D cinematics will be replaced with new, never before seen high resolution 2D animations drawn by BG:EE's Art Director Nat Jones.
    • New, high resolution GUI.
      The Graphic User Interface (GUI) has been completely unhardcoded, thus making it possible to overcome its inherent limitations in terms of resolution. Beamdog / Overhaul Games are currently working on a brand new, high resolution GUI drawn by BG:EE's Art Director Nat Jones and fellow artist Madoline Bee, which will be customizable / moddable to a generous extent (some limits still apply due to the original BG code's resilience to Cameron Tofer's attacks; hopefully, Cameron will manage to find a silver-coated machete with which to treat the old code post-ship, further expanding the GUI's customizability).
    • Flipbook animation transparency and Alpha blending.
      As per this thread, BG:EE will feature flipbook animation transparency and alpha blending for BAM files. In the longer run, a new version of BAM files with multiple-layer alpha blending is being considered.
    • One Pixel Production (1PP).
      Erephine has agreed to include the 1PP work into BG:EE. The devs are currently trying to make it play nice with the BG:EE setup. Share your opinion on which components would suit BG:EE better here!
    I don't think there will be a problem, based on what we're told there, no. The zoom functionality alone should take care of it, but seeing as the game itself is built around the better resolutions it's fair to assume things will be fine. BGII, while having support for resolutions higher than 800, wasn't actually made with using them in mind; you're even warned about it when "unlocking" them in the config program.
  • Doom972Doom972 Member Posts: 150
    They already mentioned the zoom in/out feature, so that should take care of that.
  • johnnydgoodjohnnydgood Member Posts: 38
    Thanks. I'm reassured. I'm anxious to see this game on my computer in motion.
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