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quick questions about other versions of this game (non pc)

BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
so a friend at work got an android for his wife and she doesn't like it. he tried to sell it but no one was interested. i thought of getting it, but my 10 year old black and white phone still works just fine. but knowing this is coming out on android, was thinking of getting it from him. It's fairly new, about 3 months old. how will i know if this game will run on the android? it's touch screen/etc.

same question about the ipad. my wife's sister gave my sons her old ipad and got a new one. will it run on any ipad, or does it require the new ipads? i don't keep up with mobile gaming (other then psp/3ds) so please help.


  • MalbortusMalbortus Member Posts: 106
    The Android version is aimed at tablets. It will probably run on some phones, but on their smaller screens, the buttons will be very small indeed. Text will be hard to read, and control will not be very precise. I'll definitely give it a go on my phone but I don't expect it to be playable.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @malbortus so like a galaxy/galaxy 2 wouldn't be worth it?
  • MalbortusMalbortus Member Posts: 106
    They're great phones, and if BG:EE runs on any phone, it will run on them... but the UI elements will be very, very small. Try it for yourself. Cut out a 4.3" sized piece of paper, place 14-odd buttons on the left and right side, and ask yourself if you can reliably hit such tiny buttons. I couldn't.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    hmmm true, was looking at the phone and wondering how it would be done, but they haven't shown the ui, it might be set up differently, and i'm not sure it's a galaxy, it has a flip out keyboard? lol, i'm behind on cell phone tech.
  • MalbortusMalbortus Member Posts: 106
    The brand Galaxy covers quite a few phones, and three generations of them. Quite possible that some have a keyboard which will make things easier.

    They may not have shown the Android UI, but it's probably not too different from the iPad one, which you can see if you click on this site's iPad announcement. Then ask yourself if you could play it on a screen that's a quarter of the size.
  • RerelRerel Member Posts: 86
    Bjjorick said:

    same question about the ipad. my wife's sister gave my sons her old ipad and got a new one. will it run on any ipad, or does it require the new ipads? i don't keep up with mobile gaming (other then psp/3ds) so please help.

    It will work on any generation of iPad, Trent Osner confirmed this here :

    There are a lot of already answered questions on this forum check the categories here :
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @rerel i read over them (oddly i read the first topic you posted a few weeks ago and forgot it completely, oy, haven't been sleeping enough), still confused about the androids but guess i just seriously don't understand current mobile phones. thank you for your answers though to both of you and will look at the screen and decide if i can play it on that screen size
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