Harper pin rejection

Ok so my issue is with a butt hurt Jaheira after her ejection from the party. This was done after her completed quest line, not in a relationship, and now the proud recipient of a coveted harper pin. She complains about falling out with old allies (who were dicks anyway) and not being able to return to the harper hold. I thought she was being a little dramatic as she is now a favoured harper because of CHARNAME, free to go off and do what she wants. Instead she storms off, give CHARNAME back the locket (ok I can see the logic in that), and her harper pin?!?, thats yours love, you earned it! Not to be seen again, not even for a quick pint, and a catch up, or even to do a bit more adventuring etc. I know I'm looking into this too much but giving back the pin silly, It'd be good if she found you later and demanded the pin back as she made a rash decision.
Post edited by bryn on
I'm not sure what her problem is though, all she has to do it blame it on the omnipresent authority figure controlling her every movement!
it's an ok observation but it's an extremely minor detail. what if you booted jaheira while the pin was in your inventory and not on her? should she then demand to have it? i'm afraid this can't be reasonably improved.
Jaheira is only pixels but from an immersion point of view that little detail would be awesome. That is what is so special about BG series, so much depth and npc personality
if it's not to be a permanently equipped item, the solution of her always keeping it via dialogue is probably doable but seems too elaborate for a microscopic gain in flavor.
but it doesn't have to be an unsellable quest item, it should probably be changed to a normal item.
ideally, it would be an unsellable non-quest item that doesn't get transferred from her to you upon parting.