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Is Foebane +5 fixed in v1.3 ?

Charname (Undead Hunter) is hoping to use Foebane once he finishes BGEE and imports to BG2EE. Will probably do WK 1st floor at level 10, with a 4 party. While searching for info on Foebane, came across Elminster's thread on the +5 version having bugs (in v1.2). Did not come across any info on it being fixed though. Is it? It will be a while before I can upgrade it of course ( ToB - Cespenar) but would still like to know. Thanks much.


  • SharguildSharguild Member Posts: 186
    Thought it probably best to identify what the original problem was;
    A long thread but Tickets #7635 & #7407 - Foebane +5 missing damage bonuses were raised to address it.
    Hope this helps.
  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    edited January 2015
    After quick look at it in DLTCEP it looks like it's been fixed. It does extra damage to the creatures specified in its description.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    edited January 2015
    From the 1.3 patch notes
    The Foebane swords now both deal their bonus damage consistently against the following enemy types: undead, demons, shapeshifters, and devils. The weapon descriptions have been updated accordingly
  • SharguildSharguild Member Posts: 186
    Thank-you for your timely answers. I had started going through the patch notes for v1.3 but since this is my first play through with the enhanced edition I was quickly overwhelmed by spoilers and promptly exited.
    Thought it might be easier to just ask a straightforward question.
    My Undead Hunter will certainly appreciate the good news!
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited January 2015
    Yea basically there were these two bugs with it previously. The first was that the description suggested it did more than it actually did. For that I made two suggestions when I wrote the bug report for it. Either fix the description to show what exactly it worked against (which is the approach they went with) or add in the bonuses as appropriate given the description.

    The other bug (introduced somehow by the enhanced edition) was that Foebane +5 wasn't getting any of the bonuses against those specific creatures.

    Anyways, both have been addressed in this latest patch. So everything should be good there. :)
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