#17279 Dark Moon Monk's Vampiric Touch should deal the correct amount of damage
(Easiest to check with NearInfinity, no repro case necessary.)
From the description of the Dark Moon Monk's Vampiric Touch ability (SPDM108.spl): "The target loses 1d6 Hit Points for every 2 caster levels, to a maximum drain of 6d6 for a 12th-level caster."
However, a level 10 Dark Moon Monk only causes 4d6 points of damage instead of 5d6. This is due to an incorrect minimum caster level set within the spell SPIN106A.spl, which is called upon by SPDM108.spl to do the damage effect. The minimum caster level for 5d6 damage is set to level 12. This should be level 10.
Repro Steps
1. Start a new SoA game with a Dark Moon Monk
2. After the intro cutscene, respond to Imoen: 1, 3, 3, 1
3. C:SetCurrentXP(450000)
4. Open Charname's character record
5. Click Level Up, distribute proficiency and skill points, click Accept
6. Note that Charname's character level is 10; close the character record
7. Open the Special Abilities menu (F12)
8. Right-click on the Dark Moon Monk's innate Vampiric Touch ability (the one at F9, not the Bhaalspawn power at F5)
9. Note that the description says: "the target loses 1d6 Hit Points for every 2 caster levels, to a maximum drain of 6d6 for a 12th-level caster"; click Done
10. Quicksave
11. Cast the innate Vampiric Touch on Imoen (F12 -> F9), note the amount of damage dealt to her
12. Quickload, repeat the previous step multiple times to verify the damage range
Imoen suffers 4-24 points of damage. The Dark Moon Monk's Vampiric Touch deals 4d6 damage at level 10.
Imoen should suffer 5-30 points of damage. The Dark Moon Monk's Vampiric Touch should deal 5d6 damage at level 10.
Edit 14-Nov-2015: Tagged.
From the description of the Dark Moon Monk's Vampiric Touch ability (SPDM108.spl): "The target loses 1d6 Hit Points for every 2 caster levels, to a maximum drain of 6d6 for a 12th-level caster."
However, a level 10 Dark Moon Monk only causes 4d6 points of damage instead of 5d6. This is due to an incorrect minimum caster level set within the spell SPIN106A.spl, which is called upon by SPDM108.spl to do the damage effect. The minimum caster level for 5d6 damage is set to level 12. This should be level 10.
Repro Steps
1. Start a new SoA game with a Dark Moon Monk
2. After the intro cutscene, respond to Imoen: 1, 3, 3, 1
3. C:SetCurrentXP(450000)
4. Open Charname's character record
5. Click Level Up, distribute proficiency and skill points, click Accept
6. Note that Charname's character level is 10; close the character record
7. Open the Special Abilities menu (F12)
8. Right-click on the Dark Moon Monk's innate Vampiric Touch ability (the one at F9, not the Bhaalspawn power at F5)
9. Note that the description says: "the target loses 1d6 Hit Points for every 2 caster levels, to a maximum drain of 6d6 for a 12th-level caster"; click Done
10. Quicksave
11. Cast the innate Vampiric Touch on Imoen (F12 -> F9), note the amount of damage dealt to her
12. Quickload, repeat the previous step multiple times to verify the damage range
Imoen suffers 4-24 points of damage. The Dark Moon Monk's Vampiric Touch deals 4d6 damage at level 10.
Imoen should suffer 5-30 points of damage. The Dark Moon Monk's Vampiric Touch should deal 5d6 damage at level 10.
Edit 14-Nov-2015: Tagged.
Post edited by Hurricane on