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Representing the Faithful (without mods)

The bare-bones cleric class is pretty generic. Then again, it has to be, since it's a catch-all class for representing various faiths. But what if you want your cleric's choice of god to have an impact on how he or she plays? Here are some ideas I have for representing the various gods of Fearun. Feel free to join in!

Lathander: Obviously, the Cleric of Lathander kit does this well. But a Sun Soul Monk and Paladin can do this as well.

Helm: Cleric of Helm and Paladin can fill this concept.

Talos: Cleric of Talos is one way to do this. You could also fulfill this role with a multiclass Cleric/Wizard who focuses on using spells like Shocking Grasp and Lightning Bolt.

Tyr: In Icewind Dale, using the Priest of Tyr kit. Paladins also fit this concept well.

Tempus: Icewind Dale pureclass clerics can use the Priest of Tempus kit. However, a Fighter/Cleric is also a strong contender.

Shar: Dark Moon Monk is one way to handle this. So would a Cleric/Thief, I'd wager.

Lolth: Harder, since Elves (Drow) can't multiclass Cleric in any way. But one thing that might work is a Half-Elf (Half-Drow) Avenger Druid who exclusively uses spells like Web and Insect Calling and who only shapeshifts into Spider Form.

Talona: The Blackguard kit, with its Poison Weapon ability, fits the Goddess of Poison pretty well.

Gruumsh: The Orc god needs to be Worshipped by Half-Orcs, obviously. Definitely another god represented well by Fighter/Cleric worshippers, especially those who focus on using Staves (specifically a Staff-Spear which can represent Gruumsh's holy weapon).

Garl Glittergold: A gnomish god, so most of his priests would be gnomes. Cleric/Illusionists would be a good fit, playing up the Illusion spells for all that they're worth. A Cleric/Thief who focused on Stealth would also work well.

Oghma: The God of Knowledge actually works with just a vanilla cleric. Said cleric should have maximum Wisdom and Intelligence though, for that lore boost. Alternatively, one could use a Bard who respects the Clerical weapon restrictions (never uses bladed or piercing weapons) and who mainly uses spells that both clerics and wizards can learn, like Protection from Evil and Hold Person. Bard's aren't technically divine spellcasters, but that super lore just fits the concept so well!
Post edited by Tad_Has_A_Cold_Olive on


  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    What about Baervan ?
    I usually have Aerie select some "nature" spells, such as animal summoning.
  • jscohenjscohen Member Posts: 117
    Finch, from the famous Tutu mod, is a cleric of Deneir. She's a pureclass cleric but she has a lot of relevant abilities and items, like glasses of identification and a book collection (not to mention being absolutely adorable).
  • @Kamigoroshi‌ I guess that works? Kind of surprised you missed Orcus. Speaking of which...

    Orcus: The prince of Undeath can be represented by a pure cleric who takes nothing but necromancy spells. Necromancers and Cleric/Wizards also work.

    Bhaal: Sure, the God of Murder might be dead, but apparently some of his most ardent followers are still around. Cleric/Thieves are good on the divine front, but if you want to focus purely on the murder aspect, a Fighter/Thief or Assassin would work just as well.

    Myrkul: Another one of the Dead Three (who is also dead). Cleric/Wizards and Necromancers are probably his biggest worshippers now.

    Bane: Last of the (dead) Dead Three. Particularly tyrannical Fighter/Clerics who favor domination spells would be those who still worship him and not his half-demon son.

    Mystra: She's the goddess of magic. A Cleric/Wizard is probably the most thematic option, but pure clerics and wizards (of all specializations) also fit.
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    A few more:

    Mielikki: Rangers and Ranger/Clerics are likely options. I'd also say Druids, but apparently Mielikki has no druids within her faith.

    Chauntea: Druids. Apparently there are clerics of the faith in cities, while the druidic folk live in the wildlands.

    Leira: The lady of the mists has deception and illusion as her portfolios so an Illusionist, Illusionist/Thief, or Cleric/Illusionist would be good choices.
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    I've always been partial to Banjo myself. If you go the ranger or barbarian route you would to well to be an orthodox banjoist. Thieves make excellent reformed banjoists. I'm not sure who would go the cult of Banjulhu route though...
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Sceptenar said:

    I'm not sure who would go the cult of Banjulhu route though...

    Lots of people! People won't be able to resist The Call of Banjulhu!
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    How about Cyric? I suppose just about any evil (preferably chaotic) single or multi class cleric could satisfy that role, perhaps a blackguard could as well.
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606

    How about Cyric? I suppose just about any evil (preferably chaotic) single or multi class cleric could satisfy that role, perhaps a blackguard could as well.

    An assassin would be perfect for the god of lies, intrigue and murder.
  • How about the Elemental Lords?

    Kossuth: There are quite a few ways to represent a follower of the Lord of Flames. Mages who focus on firey spells is one way. Particularly benevolent followers could be represented by Sun Soul Monks who devote themselves to Kossuth's church. One other idea is a Dragon Disciple; instead of draconic blood, elemental fire flows through his veins.

    Grumbar: The Earthlord has a few different options. A Dwarven Defender is an obviously thematic choice. Clerics who focus entirely on defensive buffs also work.

    Akadi: The Queen of Air has several options as well. Mages who focus on lightning spells are a good choice. So are Shadowdancers, who literally disappear into thin air. Finally, one might use a Barbarian whose enhanced speed is literally the wind giving them a helpful boost.

    Istishia: Some ways to represent a follower of The King of Water include a mage who focuses on cold spells, a Dark Moon Monk (Shar be damned), or any aquatic elf PC (a legitimate way to have a blue-skinned character!).
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