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Custom Portraits

PegioPegio Member Posts: 3
edited August 2012 in iPad (Archive)
Simple question: Does anyone know if the iPad version will allow custom portraits at launch? I want to know whether I should bother searching for a good one. :)


  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    As a person not intimately familiar with iOS- do you have access to the iPad file system? that's about the only crucial thing for the current (ca 1998) version of BG. They might have updated the UI to let you 'browse' for a portrait, depending on the system.
  • PegioPegio Member Posts: 3
    I would have access to all of the pictures in my iPad's photo library, but they (the devs) would need to write code at the Objective-C level for me to access them from within the game (I'm an iOS dev). I'm skeptical that they will, though, considering Trent Oster's comments about writing as little Objective-C as possible to get down to the C level.
  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    This is from Trent Oster's twitter feed from a little while back:

    "We want to support using iPad images for portraits, but at the moment, that is on the post-release work pile."
  • PegioPegio Member Posts: 3
    Thanks, good to know.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Things to note for the 1.1 patch eh? ;)
  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    Wait wait wait.

    You can buy extra portraits but you can't put in your own? Doyh? :P If we find out how that portrait-pack works, I think we'll be close to learn how to do it ourselves.

    My Imoen must have a portrait of a hot dame in a 'teeny weeny shtring bikini' (Love that song)
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    If the portraits are simple png or jpeg files, we should be able to access, add and even edit the files via the pc file system when connecting the iPad to the pc.
    I can't remember the exact process, but I've done it once, I believe to access a save game file for some reason that have escaped me now..

    Not optimal, I know, at some point I really hope and expect that we'll be able to just choose a picture from the iPad's photo library in-game. But for adventeures impatient people, the other solution might work, depending on how pics are stored in the game library.

    I'm more worried of how transferring of save games between pc and iPad will work, since the windows doesn't have the awesome cloud system that Mac have.
    I really hope I'll be able to play a game on my pc and continue the game on my iPad without issues. Hopefully a feature that will work from release day.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @Zinodin probably how it will work is you'll purchase the DLC and the portraits will become available as part of the list of default portraits on character creation.
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