Monk Viability in BG2 and ToB

I managed to nuture my Monk to level 13 in BG1, and now I'd like start BG2 and continue into ToB with him. What would be some major advantages and pitfalls that I should take into consideration?
Could a high-level Monk actually, for example, take on Demogorgon? Can Demogorgon even be hit with +4 Gauntlets of Crushing?
I managed to nuture my Monk to level 13 in BG1, and now I'd like start BG2 and continue into ToB with him. What would be some major advantages and pitfalls that I should take into consideration?
Could a high-level Monk actually, for example, take on Demogorgon? Can Demogorgon even be hit with +4 Gauntlets of Crushing?
Yes a high level monk could take on Demogorgon.
Lvl9 +1
Lvl12 +2
Lvl18 +3
Lvl25 +4
So you'd need lvl25 (3,825,000xp) to hit Demogorgon since he's immune to all weapons up to +3.
Unless your game is heavily modded for difficulty, you should be able to pretty much punch everything there is into the next millennium, and then some.
I didn't think much of monks before I actually tried one. Most fun I had in a while.