- Re-rollitis. Some folk just are not faithful to their character and feel their game will be MUCH better with a high powered character. Very first game I played with BG 1, I was so excited that I took the first role that came up and it was certainly not pretty. Won the game though because I persevered and played to the characters strengths.
Excuse me, good sir. But I have to strongly object to your adding "rerollitis" to the list.
You see, rerollitis is a serious medical condition that many of us on the forums suffer through on a day-by-day basis. Baldur's Gate is a game of nearly limitless possibility, and those of us who have the chronic restarting condition, it is a plague on both our spirit and our minds.
Imagine, you're just playing through Baldur's Gate. You like your character and your progress, and then... You reach the Bandit Camp. Or the Cloakwood. Or Baldur's Gate itself. And that's when you feel The Itch: another character in the back of your mind, tugging at your thoughts, whispering its race and class and talents in your ear. It is small at first, but The Itch spreads throughout your body, your soul, your entire self, until it is all you know. And it burns and it burns and it burns like the plague of chicken pox sores until you can no longer resist. You MUST scratch it!
So you open up character creation screen with no other intent than to just create the character and save it for later. Just to sate the need, oh that deep-seated need that compels you to dream and create. "Just this once," you might think. "I'll create the character before I forget, and then I'll go back to my other playthrough."
Next thing you know, you've completed all of the Candlekeep side quests, watched Gorion die before your eyes for the umpteenth time, and you're on your way to the Friendly Arm Inn. Your other playthrough is not simply "forgotten." It has disappeared from your mind. It cries out in despair as it watches you, with this new, shiny Charname that you've created, but its pleas fall on deaf ears. Not because you refuse to listen, no, but because the chronic restartis has blocked it.
And you stick with this character, until you reach the Bandit Camp. Or the Cloakwood. Or Baldur's Gate itself. Rinse and repeat.
You see, chronic restartis is more than just this "the player sucks" mentality that you are so callously throwing around. It is a sickness of the mind, an addiction that can take several years of rehabilitation and therapy to combat and erase.
I, myself, am still fighting the disease.
Do I "suck" @Sharguild? Am I a bad player for suffering through this affliction I did not ask for, nor desire?
I suggest you think on this matter, and choose your words more carefully before going forward. There is an excellent thread of confessions entitled Chronic Restarting Detox Camp that can and will enlighten you on the day-to-day lives of chronic restarters.
Now, sir, I wish you good day. Godspeed.
I never roll a character below 90. Is that such a bad thing? As a player I'd rather devote the time early on into rolling a good character over the span of 5mins to 2hrs than roll, train, and mediocre party of characters for months on end. Rerollitis isn't bad it's a time investment that pays in full with kick-butt characters.