Considering a Walk on the Dark Side?

If you don't mind me asking, do any D&D video games, campaigns or mods exist that put the player in a position to be genuinely evil?
And when I say that, I don't mean wandering around a village murdering random villagers and law enforcement or picking pockets or any of that kick the dog stuff. I don't mean playing through a basically benevolent campaign as a blackguard or Dark Moon monk or cleric of Umberlee, doing the right thing for the wrong reasons (money, cover up your evil nature etc) or anything small-time like that. No chance.
I'm talking about a game that puts the player in the role of the villain. We're the bad guys, but we triumph anyway because we're the player character(s). We may go after the servants of good deities. We may go to the occasional village and enslave its enhabitants to sell for cash (or to build a statue of ourselves). Maybe we have selfish or evil motives from the outset, and the only measurement of "morality" or "karma" is whether we become bona fide Evil with a capital E or an evil, but with motivations/limits type.
I've gone looking around for an answer, but I seem to be coming up short. I mean, not for nothing, but the only time I ever feel like I'm genuinely pursuing an evil agenda is when I'm doing Dorn's sidequests. Going up against crusaders, celestial beings, good-aligned dragons - and our motives are definitely selfish or evil. Other than that, I feel like evil isn't generally in action - or encouraged. Evil characters are a lot more specialised than Good or Neutral, but actually being evil gets you nowhere fast. Choosing evil doesn't even feel worth it - in BG, unless you're like me and ruthlessly exploit the opportunities to cheat your ass off, you're stuck maintaining a good reputation if you want to actually get anywhere.
So I'm asking you, are there any D&D games that let me play baddie and put my back into it, aside from NwN2 (which I already have)? And on an unrelated note, are there any that make use of the warlord class?
And when I say that, I don't mean wandering around a village murdering random villagers and law enforcement or picking pockets or any of that kick the dog stuff. I don't mean playing through a basically benevolent campaign as a blackguard or Dark Moon monk or cleric of Umberlee, doing the right thing for the wrong reasons (money, cover up your evil nature etc) or anything small-time like that. No chance.
I'm talking about a game that puts the player in the role of the villain. We're the bad guys, but we triumph anyway because we're the player character(s). We may go after the servants of good deities. We may go to the occasional village and enslave its enhabitants to sell for cash (or to build a statue of ourselves). Maybe we have selfish or evil motives from the outset, and the only measurement of "morality" or "karma" is whether we become bona fide Evil with a capital E or an evil, but with motivations/limits type.
I've gone looking around for an answer, but I seem to be coming up short. I mean, not for nothing, but the only time I ever feel like I'm genuinely pursuing an evil agenda is when I'm doing Dorn's sidequests. Going up against crusaders, celestial beings, good-aligned dragons - and our motives are definitely selfish or evil. Other than that, I feel like evil isn't generally in action - or encouraged. Evil characters are a lot more specialised than Good or Neutral, but actually being evil gets you nowhere fast. Choosing evil doesn't even feel worth it - in BG, unless you're like me and ruthlessly exploit the opportunities to cheat your ass off, you're stuck maintaining a good reputation if you want to actually get anywhere.
So I'm asking you, are there any D&D games that let me play baddie and put my back into it, aside from NwN2 (which I already have)? And on an unrelated note, are there any that make use of the warlord class?
If you're inclined to try NwN1 custom modules, there's also the rather refreshing Blackguard series for some Talos flavour.
In fact, some of the evil choices can be really regarded as stupid evil choices.
I agree on your idea of MOTB being the only campaign available for evil people.
I also read about 'Dark path' here: but I wasn't able to find anything..
Edit: found everything I needed inside this website:
You can buy it on the internet relatively cheap , since it's an "old" game. The module which I was talking about is this one: