My One Request

Honestly, I know that Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance doesn't get much respect on these forums because many don't see it as worthy of the Baldur's Gate just because it shares a different name. Here is the thing, though, I love Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, but the only reason I ever purchased it was because the first two games I got for my PlayStation 2, my first ever video game experience, were Virtua Fighter 4 and Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. Down to the fact that the graphics for that game were the best the PS2 would see for years and the fact that it had literally one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard, I was so glad when I played Enhanced Edition and it turned out to be the way it was, different, but reminiscent. Dark Alliance II I actually played after Enhanced Edition, given that the first time I saw a copy of it was ten years after I played the original, and I saw that Black Isle Studios was edging to create the first official "Baldur's Gate" experience on a PS2. Had they gotten the chance to create the third game, I have no doubt it would have been like the original games. Here is the thing, though, they never did get to. I was reading Trent Oster's Twitter one day and it turned out that they do not have access to Dark Alliance files. Looking more into this, it turned out that while Atari got the entire Baldur's Gate brand name back as well as the entire story rights, Interplay got to keep the name and they share joint rights of the music (although Craig Stuart Garfinkle owns music he helped produce and can distribute it how he likes). So what is my request? Well, honestly, it's not make a Dark Alliance III or finish the story through sidequests or anything like that. I do want closure, and that's it. I hate it when a series does not get closure. For instance, The Amazing Spider-Man series is something I detest, but the fact of the matter is, I want Sony to get the chance to finish their series before handing the rights off to Marvel because leaving a series open ended like that? I just don't like it. And that was only last year, imagine something I've been staving off for twelve years now? So, yeah, I just want closure. My one request is Overhaul, in Adventure Y, include one line of dialogue, it can be implicit or explicit, vague or specific, like "I heard something happened with a Tower back in Baldur's Gate" or "At least some guy didn't come flying with a Sun-Barge like in Baldur's Gate", just something a random AI says if you talk to them. One line to give me twelve years worth of closure is all I request. I know, I'm a sad person.