#17501 Corthala Family Armor ground icon should match the equipped appearance

1. Start a new ToB game.
2. C:CreateCreature("valyg12").
3. Ctrl-Q to add Valygar to the party.
4. Open his inventory. Notice that the equipped appearance of Valygar's armor is that of studded leather.
5. Drop his Family Armor on the ground and close the inventory screen.
Observed: The Corthala Family Armor uses the ground icon of a chain mail.
Expected: The Corthala Family Armor should use the ground icon of a studded leather armor.
Even though the Corthala Family Armor has the AC stats of a chain mail, it is made to appear and sound like a studded leather armor because as a stalker, Valygar can only use studded leather, so it would be weird if he was sneaking around in a family chain mail.
However, the ground icon of the armor is still that of a chain mail. It should match the equipped appearance, i.e the armor should use the studded leather ground icon (GLEAT01.bam).
See screenshots: studded leather on the left, Valygar's armor on the right. Valygar's armor has the same appearance as a studded leather armor, but not the same ground icon.

Edit 25-Nov-2015: Tagged.
2. C:CreateCreature("valyg12").
3. Ctrl-Q to add Valygar to the party.
4. Open his inventory. Notice that the equipped appearance of Valygar's armor is that of studded leather.
5. Drop his Family Armor on the ground and close the inventory screen.
Observed: The Corthala Family Armor uses the ground icon of a chain mail.
Expected: The Corthala Family Armor should use the ground icon of a studded leather armor.
Even though the Corthala Family Armor has the AC stats of a chain mail, it is made to appear and sound like a studded leather armor because as a stalker, Valygar can only use studded leather, so it would be weird if he was sneaking around in a family chain mail.
However, the ground icon of the armor is still that of a chain mail. It should match the equipped appearance, i.e the armor should use the studded leather ground icon (GLEAT01.bam).
See screenshots: studded leather on the left, Valygar's armor on the right. Valygar's armor has the same appearance as a studded leather armor, but not the same ground icon.

Edit 25-Nov-2015: Tagged.
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