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Multi-class minimum levels for Lonelywood

My understanding is that you need to be at or above level 9 for Hjollder to take you to Lonelywood, but that this works differently for multi- and dual-class characters. I've read a few things online that say the individual classes' levels must sum to at least 9, but this isn't consistent with what I've seen in the game. For example, in separate solo runs, Hjollder has turned away both my F/M/T at level 3/3/4 and my C/T at level 4/5. Does anyone know what the actual rule is?


  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    edited January 2015
    Probably sufficient total XP rather than levels.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,442
    In AD&D there was a quasi-official convention of equivalent level for multi-class being your highest level, plus one for each additional class.
    I don't know if that is implemented here or not.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    I just experimented with the console a little bit, and it appears that the minimum total XP for Hjollder to take the C/T is 250,000, which doesn't correspond to a level threshold for either of those classes.
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