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The New .ini Options?

I have not found a lot about the new .ini options. If you have information about them please post and explain...

some of these may not be new but I've not noticed them before and not 100% what they affect.

'Game Options', 'All Learn Spell Info', '0',
'Game Options', 'Suppress Extra Difficulty Damage', '0',
'Game Options', 'Show Learnable Spells', '1',
'Game Options', 'Render Actions', '0',
'Program Options', 'Disable Cosmetic Attacks', '0',
'Game Options', 'Maximum HP', '1',
'Game Options', 'Nightmare Mode', '1',
'Game Options', '3E Thief Sneak Attack', '0',
'Game Options', 'Cleric Ranger Spells', '1',


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