Which attributes do influence conversations?

less than a month to go and I even got some days of vacation around release day
. Now, to the topic. It's been some time since I last played the BG series which means I forgot some things that could be important. So does anyone still know which attributes influence conversations? Well, Charisma for sure - but I'm not sure whether there were conversation options made available by high INT or WIS. Can anyone help me? Let's hope it's not INT and wis - I would need to roll a lot of times during character creation then ^^.
less than a month to go and I even got some days of vacation around release day

Thanks for all the answers, though - seems I'll spend some time rolling for nice fighting AND conversation stats.
2 examples that come in mind atm are the Beholder in the fish city after the ship sinks, where your wisdom will determine whether you get an option to convince him in to you taking the items out of the chest while he looks away.
And the second one is the INT check when you are discussing with Solaufein on Phaere's rescue. If your INT is high enough you will refer to her captors as Illithid where Solaufein will then praise your intellect.
If your int is lower you will refer to them as mind flayers.
As far as i know these checks are made by the character talking to them so you can use someone from your party to talk to them instead, when you can.
While it is true that in BG2 there are a few checks for wisdom or intelligence (and even charisma), they are few and far between, and you can get along just fine even if you don't get the conversation "right".
For BG1, I'm not entirely sure anymore, but yes, charisma and strength are definitely useful there.
Silke changes her reward based off cha
Hulls reaction and reward is better at very high cha
Gnome with spider infested house gives free antidotes for high cha
Cant get the golden pantaloons with very low cha
Bluff that you are greyhawk to recieve a reward with high cha
You only get the kill antipaladin quest at the radient heart if your cha and rep are high enough
Maevars document merchant can be dealt with numerous ways based of str, cha, dex
Wis affects wish and lesser wish options
Also, there is STR check in Peldvale, that, if succesful, can get you enlisted into bandits, so you can hang around the bandit camp in peace. Before you enter the building with bosses.
Most of the rest is about reaction checks (rep and CHA)
As I remember it however, your stats have incredibly little impact on conversations, which relegates mental ability scores solely to spellcasters and the occassional roleplayer, whereas physical ability scores are always significant.
The specific instances where you get to use your Intelligence or Wisdom are few and far between. But there are more mechanical benefits to a high Intelligence than there are for a high Charisma.