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Blogs for BG or BG2



  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566

    An entire Let's Play for BG1-2, very amusing to read. I keep it Favorited in case I need to remember something about the storyline.
  • rodneyandsteptoerodneyandsteptoe Member Posts: 99
    Thanks for this link @Drugar, another one to look through - looks interesting...
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Jaysama said:

    I wrote a personal journal by hand for my BG1 playthrough (didn't continue in BG2, as it really was a lot of work). I made it mainly so that I could have a definitive summary of the game and its plot, as I tend to forget the details quickly. It's complete with small sketches and stuff, but I don't have it digitally. I guess that's the type of playthrough you might be looking for?

    Yes exactly! I know it's a pain but, would you be able to scan it possibly? I would love to read something like that!

    I'm planning on creating my own journal once the game comes out! It will be entirely in character, so mabey not for everyone.
    @Jaysama I'll see what I can do. The problem, though, is that I don't have a scanner (would have to do it at Uni) and it's in German, so I would have to translate it if you want more than to simply look at my terrible handwriting and some third-class sketches :)
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