#11539 [All] Entering Arundel's home shouldn't cause a "freeze" if there's no living party leader

1. Load save file.
2. Enter Arundel's home.
Notes: As implied by the title, shuffling the portraits around until you have a living character in the party leader slot negates the problem. Also, this happened for the first and only time after defeating Yxunomei in Dragon's Eye.
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
Dell Intel Core i5-3210 M 2.5 GHz 2.5 GHz
Intel HD Graphics 4000
RAM: 4.00 GB (3.38 GB available)
IWD:EE Version 1.3.2058
No mods installed. EE keeper not used.
2. Enter Arundel's home.
Notes: As implied by the title, shuffling the portraits around until you have a living character in the party leader slot negates the problem. Also, this happened for the first and only time after defeating Yxunomei in Dragon's Eye.
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
Dell Intel Core i5-3210 M 2.5 GHz 2.5 GHz
Intel HD Graphics 4000
RAM: 4.00 GB (3.38 GB available)
IWD:EE Version 1.3.2058
No mods installed. EE keeper not used.
Post edited by AlexT on
This will be addressed.