I don't get all the rogue love kids have these days
Way back in the days of yore a thief was a thief and a fighter was a much better fighter than a thief. Kids these days seem to want to have thiefs that fight better fighters who sing better than bards who wizard better than clerics who fight better than Bob. Ain't right, I tell ya!
Back in my day a thief wouldn't have the stones to assault a fighter - that's why they were a thief! A fighter fights and a thief steals stuff - that's why they're thieves. Oh, sure, you could have your thief set up an unassailable fortress with the most mind numbingly despiccable set of traps and locks but that required grit, and determination, and lots and lots of resting!
Nowadays you have these "rogues" who think they own the place, what with their DPS and their whatsits and hoodads! They don't even have the sense to lock things, or to look for traps, or to be useful! They just walk right up dandy as you please and start whacking things. That's supposed to be the fighter's job, ya git!
Then there's the issue of rangers - never occurs to people how damn painful it is to get shot in the butt with an arrow. Nah, they think just 'cause a greatsword has great in the name it's somehow more powerful! By golly, it's not smart to attack somebody with a sword if they're willing to put an arrow in yer eye!
Does it not occur to people that a Druid, who has the ability to turn into a freaking BEAR, might possibly be more frightening than "Waldinald Sticky Fingers"? BEAR! FRIGGING BEAR! TEN FEET TALL WITH ITS PRIMARY ATTACK BEING HUGS! THAT'S HOW CONFIDENT IT IS THAT IT CAN F*** YOU UP!
Then you have the cleric - ya know, that guy who calls down divine wrath just because he needs to go find out if turducken is a thing?
Have we even mentioned the wizard? Master of the impossible? Library card with a massive list of overdue books THAT WILL END THE WORLD?!
Then you even have the Monk - that guy who's basically a thief but is far more willing to crush your spine with his willingness to let you off the hook than with his fists. Though his fists will definitely find a way to crush your spine. That's why he's a monk.
So, for the love of all that is holy, HOW DID THE THIEF MAKE IT TO THE TOP OF THE LIST?!
I'm calling it like I see it - Game Designers have officially rediscovered 80's Ninja Syndrome. Knock it off. We had this discussion and Pirates VS Ninjas was fun for like a minute but the world has moved on - let the Fighter have his day. It's in the name.
*Hangs a sign on the bear (APPROACH WITH CAUTION) and is quickly eaten in response*
Back in my day a thief wouldn't have the stones to assault a fighter - that's why they were a thief! A fighter fights and a thief steals stuff - that's why they're thieves. Oh, sure, you could have your thief set up an unassailable fortress with the most mind numbingly despiccable set of traps and locks but that required grit, and determination, and lots and lots of resting!
Nowadays you have these "rogues" who think they own the place, what with their DPS and their whatsits and hoodads! They don't even have the sense to lock things, or to look for traps, or to be useful! They just walk right up dandy as you please and start whacking things. That's supposed to be the fighter's job, ya git!
Then there's the issue of rangers - never occurs to people how damn painful it is to get shot in the butt with an arrow. Nah, they think just 'cause a greatsword has great in the name it's somehow more powerful! By golly, it's not smart to attack somebody with a sword if they're willing to put an arrow in yer eye!
Does it not occur to people that a Druid, who has the ability to turn into a freaking BEAR, might possibly be more frightening than "Waldinald Sticky Fingers"? BEAR! FRIGGING BEAR! TEN FEET TALL WITH ITS PRIMARY ATTACK BEING HUGS! THAT'S HOW CONFIDENT IT IS THAT IT CAN F*** YOU UP!
Then you have the cleric - ya know, that guy who calls down divine wrath just because he needs to go find out if turducken is a thing?
Have we even mentioned the wizard? Master of the impossible? Library card with a massive list of overdue books THAT WILL END THE WORLD?!
Then you even have the Monk - that guy who's basically a thief but is far more willing to crush your spine with his willingness to let you off the hook than with his fists. Though his fists will definitely find a way to crush your spine. That's why he's a monk.
So, for the love of all that is holy, HOW DID THE THIEF MAKE IT TO THE TOP OF THE LIST?!
I'm calling it like I see it - Game Designers have officially rediscovered 80's Ninja Syndrome. Knock it off. We had this discussion and Pirates VS Ninjas was fun for like a minute but the world has moved on - let the Fighter have his day. It's in the name.
*Hangs a sign on the bear (APPROACH WITH CAUTION) and is quickly eaten in response*
A bear is a bear. A mage throws massive fireballs. A thief has a dagger. Whoopiee.
I also don't get why people want fighters to have a resource management mechanic, because they're "too boring". If you want to fight well, play a fighter or paladin! If you want spells and powers, play a wizard, and if you want to sneak, play a thief. It's that simple.
I'm starting to envision an RPG system somewhat like IWD with your own custom party but the party ends up interacting with the world, not just your "face" character.
What I mean by this is your party takes time to strategize and provide possible solutions to scenarios instead of the NPC's dictating terms of engagement. If your thief says "Hey, lemme get this guy nice and SOWSED and then we can jump him in the alley for his key" then you would be able to queue that up as part of the plan.
Your Paladin might interrupt with "Feel free to get him drunk, but let me interrogate him in the mean-time so that I can convince him to hand over the key of his own free will."
Your Wizard might lean over to your Druid and say "And when that doesn't work you can jump him in the alley as a bear and I'll cast a Forget spell on our stalwart defender and we can be on our merry little way."
The cleric might say "Then I can raise the man from the dead and offer spiritual guidance on his drinking problem."
Ta-da! You just got the key to get into the Royal Palace and had to deal with how the scenario actually plays out. Does it go according to plan or does somebody botch it up? Was the Paladin succesful or did he get the proverbial "Uncle Gob's Forget-Me-Now's?" Now you just have to figure out how you're going to go about snatching them royal underoos before you report back to the guild hall. What a day!
It would really add depth if each scenario played out according to your character's strengths, not just how you personally go about things. So much gameplay is based on MMO crap - single player games have really lost a lot of their appeal since they're being developed with multi-player mechanics in mind.
Perhaps I'm being a trifle defensive, because I love playing sneaky classes. I agree that there is a surge in popularity of games that cater exclusively to my tastes, from the original Deus Exes, Metal gear, etc, to stuff like Assassin's creed, or the last of us, but you're not talking about that. You're talking about a classic RPG style game, where the rogue is massively overpowered.
First off, I absolutely hate games where you take a class, but then have to personally perform reflex-based tests in order to eg open locks. Return to Krondor was the first game I saw this in (or was it in Betrayal at Krondor?). Certainly the coolest trap disabling mechanism ever. Now they all do it. It's called roleplaying, not lockpicking lessons for fun and profit.
Anyway, I have no problem with non-balanced classes in a single-player game. Mages in BG2 can take all other builds to the cleaners, and we all seem to love it. The problem only matters once you start talking multiplayer.
So, I'll consider the multiplayer game I play most, Team fortress. This is one game I simply don't bother playing either the sneaky spy type, or the sniper, because both are, well let's not say nerfed, lets say 'hard to master'. In fact my reflexes being what they are, I typically play one of three classes, the pyromancer (AKA berzerker who doesn't need to aim), engineer (AKA guy who's machines do the aiming), or heavy (AKA guy who shoots in the general direction). I also dabble with the scout (AKA run and occasionally hit), medic (Heal me dammit, you're not a pyro), or demolition man (mostly melee, so another berzerker).
My point is, there are lots of builds, and some people become insanely good at the build that appeals to them most. The cool thing is, there are builds for every taste. For example, look at this video of someone playing a soldier, using the rocket launcher to jump really high, then switching to the melee weapon and getting a critical hit on an enemy on landing. I simply can't do this.
The problem with multiplayer mechanics is they're for multiplayer - they reduce tactical thinking by introducing "balance", which is just another word for "bland". Solid Snake would never walk up to Conan and think of taking him on in a fight - he would sneak around, choke hold him and deposit the body in a barrel before donning a cardboard box to fool Minsc into believing he was a, well, cardboard box. The beauty of flawed game design is the meta-game aspects of creating just as imbalanced counters to the imbalanced implementation. This is a game of its own and really encourages creativity.
You lose that in a multiplayer implementation because MMO's are absurdly unimaginative. They had the trickle down effect of fooling people into thinking they were "the wave of the future". Skyrim, for instance, suffers from MMOitis at times and that's where the game starts to fail. The magic system? "Balanced". Nothing else is - it's arbitrary and that's what makes it work. When it works.
DnD specifically got a lot right - and there's still room for improvement when it comes to implementation of a PnP style system into a single player RPG. Fallout 1 and 2 are probably the closest to what a perfect implementation would be yet they're archaic and deeply flawed.
PS:T kind of fits the same model as the Fallout example but has a much weaker combat implementation.
The beauty of an RPG is in playing a role - if that role is in being a utility expert that knows how to lock and unlock doors, set up and disarm traps, and pull off the occasional assassination... Why aren't we allowed to actually fill that role? There's more to the world than slaying dragons.
If, for instance, you infiltrated a highly guarded compound... why is it acceptable to just go slug-fest instead of, ya know, having your THIEF do THIEF-TYPE-THINGS? If you knew you're going to go into a highly guarded compound wouldn't it make sense to do some casing and scouting beforehand? Lock doors to keep people from disturbing you? Make a grand escape through a window?
If things go south that's what your fighter is for. Is it "fair" from a game design standpoint to send your d6 thief unprotected into a hotbed of enemy activity? No, but he's a thief and he's there to take that kind of risk.
Most of my issue with rogue implementation is from highly unimaginative usage of the "rogue" archetype and not understanding what actually makes them unique. They've lost something and have been shoe-horned into a role they're not cut out for and really don't make sense in.
I just don't accept the changes the MMO culture has made on single-player gaming and I think the community has ended up suffering for it.
With high class ability use any item it was one man army.
Anyway, I agree with you Nukeface since Nobody is perfect, well it should be.
In fairness, neither Fallout nor Skyrim are multiplayer. I kinda see your point on blowback into single player from MMOs, but there's as much effect from consoles into PC games, if not more.
Wait. My earliest multiplayer game is still in existence. It's a text-based MUD called Ishar: www.ishar.com It's super hard, utterly unforgiving, and .. well perhaps it's balanced, perhaps not. Certainly I didn't get into PvP much, group co-operation was more the thing, and there it was useful to initiate with a thief, then have a fighter take over tanking, while a cleric kept the fighter alive, and whoever else was around dealt damage. Fairly classic stuff in other words. Give it a whirl if you're feeling oldschool.
In Baldur's Gate, there is no problem with the thief class. It's insufficent in direct combat, and is mostly a support (backstab damage is garbage in Baldur's Gate series IMO). I had fun using rogue in IWD:II thought, with surprise attack or whatever it was called. In short, you shouldn't have any issues with Baldur's Gate game.
Also, Rouge/Thief doesn't meant Ninja. Ninjas, in real life, were something like Fighter/Rouge dual class. Some of their task required much stealth and such, but they were perfectly able to do straight-up combat. Think of them as the "Special Force" or something.
Also, balance is not a garbage in singleplayer game. "Balance" in singleplayer games translates into "giving player viable choices". Thief is a viable choice in BG, but it has other function than Fighter or Druid.
But in multiplayer/competitive games, well, you have to deal with it. Like with thieves being meele glass cannons.
lets take a look at the latest RPG to have this sort of balancing: Dragon Age Inquisition. it has the general balance for basic attacks of rogue>fighter>mage that you have talked about.
a mage does very little on basic attacks, but has cool effects on just about every spell that can deal damage, crowd control, or protect the team. they can, however, deal good damage if they attack an enemy with a weakness to their element.
a fighter is able to stand on the front line and take lots of hits, as well as deal lots of damage. the attacks generally have an arc too so if you are fighting multiple opponents you could hit a bunch every swing. the main job, however, is tanking. they could be more DPS focused as a two handed fighter, however
a rogue has the highest DPS with dual daggers, and a bit less with a bow. while using a bow you just want to shoot things, but it also helps depending on your abilities to keep a long range distance or to have elevation. basic attacks tend to only do more than a mage, but the abilities have good power behind them if used correctly. for example, use full draw on an undamaged enemy for more damage, or long shot at long distance for more damage and have lined up enemies to hit them all in a line. with dual daggers, your lowers armor begins to play a lot of a role as you are in the front with the fighter. you are a glass canon that must avoid taking a hit or take lots of permanent health, unless the mage has a barrier on you. in general the plan is to get behind, where you will recieve flanking bonus damage, and many of your abilities will provide there own bonus damage for flanking, or even special effects. if a rogue goes up front like they are a fighter, however, they are pretty worthless. the damage they deal is an insignificant increase from a fighter in a straight up face, and abilities will do very little compared to from behind. try the skill "twin fangs" from the front and from the flank. from the flank you get bonus damage and pull the enemy to the ground if they are normal sized. if you attack from the front, you miss out on both of these effects, and will just get more damage than a basic attack would give while costing you stamina and the time it takes for the animation.
even on the flank, however, there are moments where a fighter could be better than a rogue. the fighter is stronger with bigger weapons that better penetrate armor. the rogue deals absolutely insane damage to an unarmored target, but an armored target is a different story. they'll do ok against a target that is simply high armor rating, but the fighter might do slightly more even. however, if the enemy also likes to generate guard: a temporary health type generated by the fighter class and some enemies, then the rogue becomes deadweight. my hardest boss battle was a 3 stage fight where the last stage was a pride demon. even though it didn't have very high armor and even if it did I could still do a lot of damage to him, he generated guard every so often. When he generates this guard my twin fangs ability from behind went from well over 1000 damage to 2 damage. at that point my rogue was just a wasted slot in the party and, seeing as this was the only enemy, I just told him to go wait somewhere until the guard was down. meanwhile, this is where the fighter shined, as Cassandra took down the guard better than anyone in the group.
my ideal game rogue is one that has high damage potential but takes a lot of management to get that damage out of them, and if you mess up it is easy for them to die. i am actually ok with balance so long as it is properly balanced. in that way I think DAI absolutely succeeds. i also think that a party based game like DA or BG could get away with the imbalanced system, however a game like an MMO where you control one character you can't expect players to want to play a boring role if that is the only role they get to play. in BG I've never made a mage even though they are the biggest part of the game, because I can control the NPC mages as well. in an MMO with imbalance where a thief can't do combat and instead just pick locks all the time would be boring and nobody would play them, it's that simple. I could handle a thief in BG, though I usually opt for a thief multiclass because thief doesn't need too many points to be good and it increase their versatility. a fighter/thief is kind of a glass canon rogue of modern RPGs if you think about the backstab potential there.
so yeah, I guess those are all my thoughts on the issue. i actually really like the RPGs that opt to make every class an enjoyable experience. i like the ones that give fighters more to do as well. i am one of those who would say fighter can be boring too, but they are a lot of fun in DAI as they need to be managed to generate as much guard as possible. i think it should be about making as many playstyles viable as possible, rather than just telling everyone to play a mage like BG would if you couldn't have 6 companions. i am glad that you can have a party in BG, too, because I HATE mages. I will refuse to play a game that makes them the only viable option because "mages should be bringers of death that distinegrate everything with one fireball, while rogues should just sit there opening things in the background because if they go to fight their daggers will take 99 stabs before killing the enemy."
On the other hand, even in 2E, being a Fighter pretty much means you do one thing, FIGHT. That can get boring. The ability to do other stuff "Makes sense". And I get the desire to be able to be effective in combat AND be able to do something, anything else. I just think that maybe they went a bit further than they should have.
But then my favorite has always been the wizard. In my view, Wizards should start out weak and become glass cannons. While this does happen to an extent, and a properly played wizard is unstoppable, I still think that this whole "Limited uses" thing is played a bit to death. I'm not saying that 4E had it right either with their "Powers" instead of spells. Merely that a fighter played properly will consistently provide benefit to the group onwards into infinity (and beyond), whereas a Wizard gets one BIG blow and then dies (power wise).
As for Balance? What's that? (this is a sarcastic remark, please don't embark on explaining what it is).
Actually, I think one of the problems is that certain groups of people are so stuck with archetypes now - fighters MUST wear full harness and carry a scutum, etc (and to be fair, D&D doesn't do a good job of encouraging anything other than the most optimal build/kit combinations because many of the disadvantages of wearing plate armour have been ignored for the sake of simplicity). This might have worked about 50 years ago, when the "knight in shining armour" image was popular, but now it's not so popular. Instead we have the fast, agile ninja who does Matrix style dodging as the new popular image that everybody wants their character to emulate, so they want their character to follow a suitable archetype. They also, however, want their character to be a badass in combat, so they cry out for game developers to make the rogue be a badass in combat.
But really, I think this is a flaw of the class system - and one that I hope D&D5e will cure in time, with its multiple class archetypes.
DnD has always sucked when it comes to not making classes superfluous, though. Since the advantage of having a gm enables you to come up with whatever "game paths" you need, I'm talking mechanically here - DnD has simply always had a problem with how casters outperform fighters and thieves/rogues at what they are supposed to be good at. And that may be fun for the casters, but it's not so fun for those who gets saddled with playing a "mundane". This issue has just gotten worse as editions have passed on to the point where wizards in the new 5th Edition are have at will "cantrip" damage spells that rival the damage potential of an optimized fighter (at reach), meaning the fighter no longer have the advantage of not being restricted by spells/day.
Again, though, it's because people moaned about how wizards were useless at level 1. While I do agree to some extent, and I do like the idea of free cantrips, in order to prevent wizards being reduced to amateur crossbowmen at level 1, I do feel that they've made these spells too powerful. The warlock's free attack uses his charisma, and does, like, 1d10 damage!!
In a CRPG it is true that you don't need every class to be strictly equal if they have a unique roll (Only thieves can disarm traps for example). BG2 doesn't make Thieves the best, but ToB certainly lets them be very viable at high levels, a nice change. In PnP though, UAI is not nearly as good, and Thieves really were kinda lackluster, if useful characters. They needed to change, so people would WANT to play a Rogue.
In 3.x, I think Rogues really came into their own niche in DnD, being secondary combatants on par with Clerics (though clearly worse at tanking, they were great niche damage dealers with smart use of Sneak Attack), while still being a strong supporting character... Heck, you could easily design a thief in 3rd that was primarily a combat character, but the character will NOT be anywhere near as good at just slogging as a front liner like a Fighter or Paladin, or even a Ranger. They lack the BAB, and they get fewer straightforward combat options. A Thief built for combat is a dangerous opponent for an opponent with a discernable anatomy, but vs a golem, elemental, aberration etc, they have very little to fall back on other than being a feat anemic archer, and 3rd really made archery feats necessary to being a great archer. Of course, a Rogue could be built for ranged combat in 3rd easily enough, and with good dex be quite effective, but a Ranger will likely be better, and for sure a Fighter will be a much better archer. *shrug* I do not see a problem here.
It is no coincidence that Thieves' World d20 did a solid job of making non-casters viable vs casters. A high level caster can probably still win, but a well played skill based character could take one down. I like this personally, as I dislike how ridiculously exponential caster power is in all editions of DnD I looked at. That said, Thieves' World d20 had such a byzantine casting system not many would care to actually use it, but the potential exists if someone can simplify it.
I grew up on 2E and prior so I like the class system. I do however see that a more flexible solution might work. I'd strongly suggest that focus and specialization should have benefits though. Being a Jack of all trades should not mean that you can master them all as well.
More than that, I particularly disliked the fact that in 3.5E, you could dip into a class and get monstrous bonuses. One single level of Paladin and you got insane benefits to saving throws for a Sorcerer. One level of Shadow Dancer and anyone could cast unlimited on demand invisibility (HiPS). Blended skill sets is fine. One single level making you a master? not so fine.
All in my personal opinion.
The best dabbling classes were usually Ranger, Fighter, Barbarian and Paladin, as they front load. Barbarians was probably the most messed up by this, since you could take the Extra Rage feat after 1 level of Barbarian, making extra Barbarian levels usually a poor mechanical choice.
3rd was a great edition though if your DM was running a small group, and nobody wanted to run 2 or 3 characters, since you could, with planning, do some pretty cool stuff at mid to high level with the open multiclass. If this has no appeal, just do not use the option maybe.
For a start, adventuring in full plate is actually impractical, when you really think about it. Wearing it all the time is tiring, and carrying it takes an entire retinue; despite RPG logic you can't just stick a harness in your backpack when you're not wearing it! Just to give you an idea, I once helped somebody bring a harness from a van into a pavilion tent for a show, and it took two of us to carry the chest that it was stored in. There is no way that is going into a backpack, I don't care how strong you are. Also, it takes more than half an hour to put it on - that's if you have a squire who knows what he's doing. It's just not practical for trekking for miles through woods, going into dungeons, and navigating perilous traps and narrow bridges etc. In reality, mail would be a much better choice for things like that.
However, in D&D3e, a fighter who wears mail over plate gets virtually no benefit - just a slightly lower armour check penalty for skills he's not likely to use anyway (and if he wears leather or light mail he can move a bit faster).
I would also add a lot more penalties...wearing a fully enclosed helmet like a sallet or an armet will greatly restrict your vision and hearing, and heat attrition would be a serious problem when crossing things like flaming lava bridges, not to mention armour heating up horribly when hit by a fireball, or a lightning bolt!
D&D accounts for none of these things, and simply has plate armour as the perfect armour for any situation that doesn't require you to sneak, swim, or climb. Sure, a GM can add these effects, but when things like that aren't in the rules, players are more likely to resist the idea.
And another favorite was 1 level of BARD which made you eligible for RDD. there were a LOT of Barbi-Bard-RDD running around the servers (occasionally throwing in Blackguard for EDM). I'd say that the three most abused on those servers were "Pali-Sorcerers", "Barbi-Bard-RDD" and "Whatever-Shadow Dancer" with a single level (or two??) in the "Offending" class to seal the deal.
For me, I always role play my characters. It would be anathema to me to only pick one (or two) level in a given class. So I never joined the power elite. Maybe it's just sour grapes on my part but I get what the OP was saying as this happened a LOT on those servers. An active DM would have made a lot more sense and cut out most of that crap.
@Squire - Oh, no doubt that a lot of the realism of actual armor has been removed from the game. I wasn't very clear, but I was trying to express that, focus and specialization in a given skill should subsume any advancement along another line entirely. Therefore a fighter who focuses on being "A wall of steel and blades", should be a better "Tank" than someone who dances around in leathers. The guy in Leathers should have OTHER benefits to be sure. I think the OP was trying to express that to often today someone can be a master thief AND as good a fighter or Wizard or whatever else all at once.
Focus in a skill should give benefits not achievable without it. Specialization should be required to reach the highest levels of power in a given discipline and to the exclusion of all else.
In IWD2, I found my Aasimar Paladin 2 Sorcerer X was great early, but other characters were much better later. The Banemonk was the true beast (Mass Domination with a huge DC was his hallmark), followed by my Enchanter, but Cha was a hard stat to pump in IWD2, so that might be why. In PnP, my most beefy villain characters were usually Sorcerer (or Battle Sorcerer, which has better BAB but way less spells, and better HD), Blackguard or Paladin of Tyranny, and usually either some Spellsword to cast in Heavy Plate and or Eldritch Mage. Relies on Charisma and Rebuke Undead to power some absurd melee stuff, with either 7th level spells or 8th if you used a Dragonspawn template. But this is a pretty extreme example, and even it would have trouble soloing many ECL 20 encounters, IE Baalors. 3.5 made high level encounters REALLY tough towards the end of it's life. It was actually more party friendly because of that, without teamwork most high level encounters would steamroll ANY solo, no matter how uber it was. If it didn't, your DM was probably not very good at running encounters!
3.x really shone in that it let you build towards whatever archetype you wanted... 2 levels of Fighter are nothing to throw RPing out the window to achieve, and gave feat access several levels sooner. You could make a character that was much more organic that way, though you could also just refuse to RP and do something powerful that made no real sense, but a DM should punish that if the group isn't a fan of such builds. It really comes down to the DM in later DnD, while DMing was pretty straightforward in earlier editions. You could be mean, or nice, or in between, but 3.x finally let you REALLY tailor things to the party, IE to screw over a minmaxed munchkin in an RP party.
For example, in PnP powergamery in 3.x, lots of fighter builds make use of Charge boosters, or Power Attack synergy, but either a small encounter area (no charging!) or an opponent with the Elusive Target feat (no benefit for PA...) lets a DM subtly encourage people to play nicely. NWN or other CRPGs typically does not have the DM function, so this goes right out the window.
In Dark Souls, you start out as a class with a given skill set but are free to advance whatever stat you wanted and any 'Class' could cast any spell/use any item if they had the stats. This meant that your character could change organically over time, but if you wanted to be 'The Best' at a given thing, you had to work hard and focus.
In Oblivion and Skyrim, you didn't 'advance' skills at level up, it was more the other way around in that as you advanced skills, you leveled up. This made sense to me as well as only the "Used" skills actually advanced. Regardless of where you started, if you were always picking locks, you eventually became 'Very' dexy and became a thiefesque character. But again, in order to become 'The Best' you had to work on the skills necessary.
Still you had organic growth that could change the direction of your character, but it wasn't like you could become a jack of all trades, at least not in the short run.
I appreciated 3.x games, but only ever experienced them on NWN(1 and 2), never PnP. As such, I saw how 'Powergamy' they could get unchecked by the type of DM policing that you indicate. Yet even in some of the forum chats, I have come to the realization that not all players (and DMs are players) see the same vision for what is "Paladinlike" (just as an example) and what is not. I've seen people say "But.... 'Paladin of Mystra'" as an 'Excuse' for not acting like a Paladin and other such justifications. I envy you the DM's you've had who seem to reign in 'monkey business'. Not everyone has that.
If you ever played Quest for Glory, it sounds a bit like Oblivion or Skyrim, where skills are improved only by use. The games are old, so and gaming has advanced mechanically a fair bit, but thats a good idea for a CRPG generally. In QfG, you were either capable of the rudiments of a skill, or had no hope of using it... Thieves were the only class that could really be good at everything, but unless you did skill grinding, you would likely be maxed out only in the skills you used very often. It was also unusual in that the Magic User was hands down the worst choice in most of the games. In the first few, a Thief with the Magic Use skill could do anything a Magic User could, while a Magic User had a pretty limited skill set. This is probably reasonable, since you are supposed to be a beginner mage until well into the 3rd game, if not through to the 4th. But still, the Fighter was much better at actual fighting, and eventually the Magic User was best a doing magic, and the Paladin (import only) was the Paladin, with a flaming blue sword of buttkicking.
I don't have a problem with any class "Learning" any skill. I have a HUGE problem with characters mastering "Every" skill.
In 3E NWN, I would play a wizard who would routinely put points into hide in shadows and move silently. As per the rules, he could never become a master thief (I never took "Able learner") because he was capped at half the amounts that normal thieves could get. That "To me" made sense. He wasn't a thief, he was a mage. But he understood the value of a squishy person remaining out of sight.
Within the guidelines of 3.5E (NWN Style) I had always thought that Paladins should only get bonus equal to their "Paladin" level added to their saves, capped at their CHA score. This would show a progression of their faith and would prevent power leveling.
HiPS, which I've always hated on principle, I think should work like this. At level 1, you get normal Hide in Shadows and HiPS at -20%. For every 2 levels beyond (3, 5, 7, 9, 10), you get -5% to that penalty. That way, someone who simply took Shadow Dancer for HiPS would GET it, but not be able to do it very well. Progression in the 'Art' would vastly improve your chance until you could eventually disappear as easily in a room full of people 'As easily' as you could in an empty room. This wouldn't prevent it from being a skill of use for a Shadow Dancer, but it would mean that they had better put EVERY SINGLE point into Hide/MS "Because that is who they are".
And from my perspective, playing Divine classes under any circumstance would mean TOTAL devotion to that faith even when they aren't leveling up in that class. After all, why would a Deity grant magical powers to just anyone? I can see a Deity saying "What have you done for me LATELY". My DM was very particular on that point. For a Wizard, they chose what spells they memorized (from those in their spell books). Clerics had to 'ASK' for the spells they wanted. The DM approved every list, every night. Nothing was guaranteed and it was all based on what the Deity (or their agent) choose for them that day. I think that is missed in a lot of play these days.
And then you have the power gamers who play power combinations, not character classes. Don't get me wrong, I get that style of playing. I really believe that there is a time and place for that and I do NOT disparage that decision. It isn't (in most cases) role playing. Specialization, that's another thing entirely. That SHOULD grant benefits, but at a cost.
I've been doing some research on game design - the flaw I'm finding with Rogues and Rangers and Fighters specifically is their lack of utility in modern games. For instance one of the things about the Baldur's Gate series is that the BG2 encounters are very "reload heavy" for determining the proper tactics to use.
We have plenty of stealth based titles to choose from for reference in how an action stealth game would play out. Thank you Metal Gear Solid for that revelation, it blew minds.
What we don't have seems to be a truly utilitarian representation of a thief and their tactical awareness in an RPG setting.
If you send a thief into an enemy stronghold to scout they should be on the look-out for murder-holes, snipers, ya know, general fortifications and be able to relay it back to your party. If your thief has a good awareness then you should be able to use that to formulate a plan. Likewise a Ranger would be far more suited to being able to find cover, determine possible enemy troop formations, and find game for survival when in the wilderness.
A fighter would be the most likely candidate for setting up and utilizing fortifications and barricades as well as providing a situational bonus to become stronger with other frontliners as well as understanding the tactics involved in hand to hand or ranged combat.
Mages, clerics, and druids, etc, would have a lot more utility in their information gathering. A mage who specializes in scrying might be able to pinpoint the exact location of an enemy general by gathering a personal item from their household. A druid might be able to ask woodland animals to do some scouting for them. A cleric might give alms to the poor and receive information through charity.
If you're given the option to, and are subsequently rewarded for, gathering information then I think having a group of utility characters makes a lot more sense. As it stands utility is punished due to the straight-forward scenarios that are being presented in CRPGs.
Imagine a cross between Rainbow Six and Baldur's Gate.
I'll start by saying I don't know a whole lot about current trends. I haven't played outside of the D&D environment for 20+ years. Although FWIW, back then, when my PNP group was active almost every day for 5+ years I played a lot of different systems.
Now I exclusively run my own modification of 2E; but I have played in 3E and 4E. I would never claim AD&D is "perfect"; but I think its an excellent system, and I have my own house rules tweaked to a place that I am very happy running.
I particularly love the party concept; the idea that no one character can do it all, and a party with a variety of skills is needed to be most effective.
The OC made me laugh though, because I absolutely remember 30 years ago playing with guys who ALWAYS played the rogue and clearly considered themselves the ultimate power in the universe. For myself, I never liked the rogue much, and heavily favored warrior types. With an occasional cleric and mage thrown in for fun.
But rogue characters in AD&D could be very powerful, or nearly useless, depending entirely on how clever the player was. One good friend of mine was all style over substance, and it was guaranteed he would get himself in hopeless fix every time we played. But another friend in the same group was devastating. He was patient, clever and knew how to lay an ambush. And then years later my wife started gaming with us and she created a fighter/thief (yes, my friends were all amused that Mrs. Dave-who-hates-thieves first created a thief). She wasn't terribly interested in tactics at all; but she loved story, and she loved snooping around behind locked doors. She never back stabbed, but specialized in bow and was happy to provide over watch. She also NEVER called herself a thief; she was a scout, and don't you forget it!
I guess my point is just I've seen thieves played a variety of ways, and its all good.
I saw a few comments on armor. Personally I love the "knight in shining armor" image; and the vast majority of characters I've played fall into that role to some degree (even the ones who don't actually wear armor!). It is true there are some plausibility issues with wearing full plate all day, in a dungeon, while carrying six swords, a week's worth of food, 50' of rope, those four tapestries that looked like they might be worth something, and a ballista that you hope the DM doesn't question you about...
Actually, I think the armor is often the least of the problems, Historically, combat plate armor was not that terribly restrictive. The stories we hear about knights being winched onto horseback are about tournament gear. Basically that's sporting equipment; NOT military. I've read the Holy Orders required a knight to able to get from flat on his back to mounted and underway in 30 seconds. And no, I don't know what kind of stop watch they used. The point just being, combat armor is not the burden many make it out to be. At least not for a well trained and conditioned warrior.
But of course the DM in PNP game needs to pay some attention to what's going on. There actually are fatigue and movement penalties in the rules. I generally considered them more trouble than they were worth; but I would try to monitor what all a party was carrying (no really, what are you doing with those tapestries). And I always enforced a rule that no one could sleep in armor heavier than Leather. So a regular feature of my games, if the party was ambushed while sleeping, anyone who wasn't on watch had some decisions to make about how they were gearing up. And even the best tank in the party may decide he should just stand back and throw a javelin or something. THAT keeps it fun. ("so the cleric is your only guy wearing armor for this battle...")
I seem to remember a magic suit of armor popping up in my world that's only enchantment was it was so comfortable you could sleep in it. That proved to be a popular magic item!
Which I guess leads back to Dreadkhan's comments about actually learning DMing. First I'd agree completely its sort of an apprenticeship thing. Not in any formal way of course; but many months of actual gaming experience is indispensable for becoming a good DM. I am amazed when I hear of game groups that taught themselves from no experience at all. The early editions of D&D provided VERY little help in this regard. Gary Gygax always wanted everyone to follow all the rules, but he gave very little help on what running a game actually looked like. I think the first books that were actually helpful in that regard were D&D Basic Set of 1983; and they were designed precisely to bring new players into the game. AD&D 2E was a huge improvement over 1E in this regard, but for true beginners, Basic was strongly recommended first. And neither of these were Gygax products. Frank Mentzer wrote Basic. And 2E led directly to Gygax leaving TSR; largely because he objected to all the "optional" content. What I love about 2E is how it introduced me to such a flexible style of game design and play. It taught me how to design a setting, a religion, character classes, my own monsters. It had a wide range rules for almost every situation; and underlying principles that made it easy to "wing it" if you didn't want to disrupt game time to find an exact rule.
And wow, I can't believe this got me going so much!
Later iterations of the franchise turned more into 'Action/stealth' games where you were still a bad---ss in combat. Thief was NOT that sort of game, at least not the original game.
Utility thievery is indeed hard to make glamorous in CRPGs... it is important in some games (Not really in IWD2 for example, unless you REALLY want that Lucky Trout thing! Traps are easy to find and disarm, and locks are easy to pick, so you could easily get by with a lvl 1 Rogue multiclass Wizard to deal with that stuff), but never all that interesting unless the devs really, really make it important, which I fear the results in people whining that they need a Thief.
An interesting blurb in a Dragon Magazine I read made an interesting and relevant argument I remember, recommending people try a more SWAT style party... IE emphasize speed, surprise, and overwhelming force to end encounters very, very quickly rather than relying on a big slow fighter to tank, and hope he doesn't get dominated, or petrified. It even suggested using a more Rogue oriented party to benefit from Sneak Attack to end fights sooner, both from opening salvos and from speed to get good positions to flank. Casters obviously make great scouts at higher levels, and can offer good area of effect support, as well as debilitating spells and good ol' charms and Domination to help with larger groups that are well prepared. A big point was emphasizing team play, rather than having a party of individuals.
Edit: Hide in Plain Sight in PnP 3.x is certainly not that overpowered... it is a good skill to have, but it is very situational. By the actual rules, the only character that can ACTUALLY fight and hide again is a very high level Ranger, with his concealment ability AND Hide In Plain Sight... and he has to be outside to use this trick. I suspect it was implemented incorrectly if it allows much in the way of shenanigans. Even sniping, IE firing a ranged weapon and IMMEDIATELY hiding again suffers a big -20 penalty, and HiPS does not negate that. Assuming you have a pretty impressive net +30 to hide, that means you are hiding as a well as a 5 or 6th level rogue.
Unlock the door, rogue.
Disarm the trap, rogue.
Make me a sammich while I kill these monsters, rogue.
Rogue type characters with many utility skills and little combat skill in a game is dumb. Opening locks and disarming traps are abilities that rogues are expected to have and should have. It's part of the job and not really a lot of fun. Killing monsters is not only fun, but it is usually the most important part of advancing a quest.