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Bhaalspawn Powers

I noticed my Dwarf F/C has bhaalspawn powers at the start of BGII, but my other chars don't have any powers at the start. Is there a bug? or do we get our powers later?


  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Gonna need more information. Are you doing a multiplayer (or "multiplayer") game where you have more than one player-created character? If so, only one of them is consider the "main character", and only that one gets Bhaal powers.
  • WindfootWindfoot Member Posts: 11
    Single player. One PC. I played BGII many years ago and all my PCs in single player games started with Bhaalspawn powers. But with EE only my dwarf started with them.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    So you've started several normal, single-player games of BG2, and of those, only one character has started with the Bhaal powers from BG1, correct? That sounds like a bug to me. If you're not running any mods, I'd post this over in the bug reports forum. If you are running mods, I'd try uninstalling them and then starting a new character to see if the problem persists.
  • WindfootWindfoot Member Posts: 11
    Yes. I'm not running any mods. Thank you, I'll post in the bug forum.
  • CField17CField17 Member Posts: 122
    Only the character u created gets bhaalspawn powers. None of the NPCs u pick up get them.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    I've noticed that in some circumstances an imported character might miss out on bhaalspawn powers at the start of bg2.

    Try making a new character from scratch and see if it's given powers.
  • WindfootWindfoot Member Posts: 11
    All my characters are from scratch but I have been using the pre-generate char feature. I'll try just starting the game directly
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