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Android, BG-EE + BG2 won't work

Hi. I got both games for my table n phone a few days ago and they both don't work. On my Vodafone smart tab 4g it force closes without even starting and on my samsung alpha I have no pic just sound.
I have search the Web high and low for a solution but nothing is working, I have tried re-downloading, tried to stop the video clips, tried re - naming the file, coming out n back into the game using the quick menu button, iv tried to force stop it n clear dater and iv search to change my rom but haven't done that as of yet (gotta research it a bit more).
Any help I will welcome with open arms just so I can play this child hood game agen.


  • seanmpiettojoseanmpiettojo Member Posts: 1
    Me too.. My phone is samsung alpha, and the game just wont show anything. Only sound.
    I really wished to play this game.
    And since I dont have any tab, I can only play in my phone.

    I think im gonna need a refund, if theres no possible way to play this here
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