Wisdom - Magical Defence

I know that what despite what the manual says, Wisdom doesn't give you a magic defence adjustment
Do we know if this has been implemented?
Is it even possible with the engine's limitations / the contract the developers are under?
Would definitely be awesome if it was included.
Do we know if this has been implemented?
Is it even possible with the engine's limitations / the contract the developers are under?
Would definitely be awesome if it was included.
I always enjoy taking Wisdom for my PC anyway, from a role playing perspective I enjoy the idea of being more wise than I am intelligent. Also it would make Clerics and Druids that little bit more formidable against other spellcasters.
AC works a little bit differently in AD&D than it does in 3.5e, but the principle is the same: without some sort of offset, a monk's AC is higher than a thief's, which means that a monk, who is supposed to be good at defending himself, is going to be hit more often than a character who is designed not to be attacked at all (by hiding in the shadows most of the time).