Kahrk the ogre mage from the jar

Well, I was 2 attempts away from asking you guys on how to beat him, with my party of lvl 5 and 4s. But luckily I was able to cheese him.
First I had no idea how to get rid of his invulnerability, was even more lame than a mustard slime. But then I realized something.
I could aggro Carsa without aggroing Kahrk. Kahrk would appear outside of my range. So then I figured, surely his invulnerability has a time limit. There is no way they would make an enemy npc God-mode. And thankfully, it went away.
Now I could actually fight him. Which didnt change the result at all for the first couple of attempts. I couldnt hit him, and he could 1 shot anyone of my members except for Dorn. So of course Im trying to figure a way to disrupt his spells, but I couldnt think of anything.
Before 1 attempt, I decided to have Dorn and Sartorius (My blackguard pc) use poison weapon before the fight. Only did that because I was hoping to maybe get 1 hit in and hopefully poison damage would take care of the rest, while I would try and run away if possible.
But guess what? Apparently poison disrupts his spell casting! I couldnt believe it. I dont think I've ever played a game where a poison ailment actually disrupts some sort of charged attack before.
So once I learned that, I simply did a few more attempts, so that the RNG Goddess would bless me with multiple poison disruptions.
Gotta admit. Im really starting to like these new ways of dealing with enemies. And I still havent even gotten to Cloakwood yet!
(though its not like I know how far I am into the game or anything. Hopefully this isnt one of those short ones)
First I had no idea how to get rid of his invulnerability, was even more lame than a mustard slime. But then I realized something.
I could aggro Carsa without aggroing Kahrk. Kahrk would appear outside of my range. So then I figured, surely his invulnerability has a time limit. There is no way they would make an enemy npc God-mode. And thankfully, it went away.
Now I could actually fight him. Which didnt change the result at all for the first couple of attempts. I couldnt hit him, and he could 1 shot anyone of my members except for Dorn. So of course Im trying to figure a way to disrupt his spells, but I couldnt think of anything.
Before 1 attempt, I decided to have Dorn and Sartorius (My blackguard pc) use poison weapon before the fight. Only did that because I was hoping to maybe get 1 hit in and hopefully poison damage would take care of the rest, while I would try and run away if possible.
But guess what? Apparently poison disrupts his spell casting! I couldnt believe it. I dont think I've ever played a game where a poison ailment actually disrupts some sort of charged attack before.
So once I learned that, I simply did a few more attempts, so that the RNG Goddess would bless me with multiple poison disruptions.
Gotta admit. Im really starting to like these new ways of dealing with enemies. And I still havent even gotten to Cloakwood yet!
(though its not like I know how far I am into the game or anything. Hopefully this isnt one of those short ones)
Poison is awesome though. When it isn't you being poisoned, or your team.