BG.EE EUROPE time Zone - Roleplay - starts Lvl 1 no items - Normal Difficulty

My team is clean as an elven ass !
Hello ,
I would like to create a team of 4 or more players to play the game as a whole from the begining.
i play on PC
before starting we would need to make a connection check up to see if the game don't lag too much.
Time zone : Europe , I'm from France
Difficulty : Normal
No cheated charcaters , only minor changes with EEkeeper
make a charcater with flavour like the NPCs of the game, they have strentghs and weaknesses
no 18/00 18 18 18 15 10 stats
only one 18 or + stats
possible cutomisations ,only one in the list :
. 1 unusual spell like skill once a day ex: Dynaeir cure posion skill
. 1 unusual weapon skill for class : ex : Coran Longbow***
. 1 unusual Stat : ex : Kagain 20 Con , but only 16 strength
if you have another idea it is possible
Starts without gear except a stack of 10 healing potions and a non magical weapon
No special avatars.
No mods
We could use skype during the parties and roleplay our characters
If you are interested just write here or send me personal messages.
We will have to choose who will be the main charcater.
See you !
Hello ,
I would like to create a team of 4 or more players to play the game as a whole from the begining.
i play on PC
before starting we would need to make a connection check up to see if the game don't lag too much.
Time zone : Europe , I'm from France
Difficulty : Normal
No cheated charcaters , only minor changes with EEkeeper
make a charcater with flavour like the NPCs of the game, they have strentghs and weaknesses
no 18/00 18 18 18 15 10 stats
only one 18 or + stats
possible cutomisations ,only one in the list :
. 1 unusual spell like skill once a day ex: Dynaeir cure posion skill
. 1 unusual weapon skill for class : ex : Coran Longbow***
. 1 unusual Stat : ex : Kagain 20 Con , but only 16 strength
if you have another idea it is possible
Starts without gear except a stack of 10 healing potions and a non magical weapon
No special avatars.
No mods
We could use skype during the parties and roleplay our characters
If you are interested just write here or send me personal messages.
We will have to choose who will be the main charcater.
See you !
Post edited by TEMNOZORAN on
using mace and crossbow
I can play any kind of char , but i don't like druid too much
not yet, as it seems.
You would be the third player to join
My character is done
Chaotic Good
gnome fighter/illusionist
STR 16
Dex 14
Con 16
Int 17
Wis 10
Cha 12
total :85
Mace*** Single weapon style * ( will use stupefier +1 mace )
dex should be at least 16 but it's an old gnome, so i put 14
but he is short and alert ,so he got -1 armor class against ranged weapons
gear : helmet, mace, tower shield, heavy crossbow + bolts, 5x healing potions
15 gold
early game : magic and close combat support
mid and late game : melee tank, AOE spells an self buff spells
required items : good archimage robe , bracers of protection, ring or amulet of protection +1
potions of strength , potions of agility
edit : reduced the Con
Sorcerer Elf, in RP, most likely a fairly skilled enchanter/natural caster due to elven heritage
Neutral Good
14 STR
19 DEX
16 CON
12 INT
12 WIS
14 CHA
Equipment: Nothing to start, most likely a small sack of coin (50-100gp)
Proficiencies: Darts * Slings *
Early Game: A variety of magic, perhaps not completely in control of his magic, hence why he is out adventuring; and ranged combat
Mid-late game: focused more on both enchanting for support and evocation for damage dealing
Looks like I just got a 92 roll!
So, I got:
16 STR
19 DEX
16 CON
13 INT
12 WIS
16 CHA
max Dex, max Con( above 16 is useless on a Sorc), a good strentgh , it's a bit too strong,
at start sorc just have 1 weapon proficiencie. you got 2 ?
no weakness
You should try to edit it
I can make Con 14? I feel I need the strength just for convenience (carrying), but if necessary I could drop strength to 10 and add a little to wisdom/int?
Actually, I could do this:
10 STR
19 DEX
14 CON
16 INT
17 WIS
12 CHA
Proficiency: Darts * (I could change to slings, and decide to change to darts later?)
Alignment: Changed to Lawful Neutral
Name: Sirian Te'lyanolyn
so my weakness would be my strength- a sacrifice! But haha xD
Name: Morwen
Race: female Halfling
Class: Thief (Assassin Kit)
Attitude: Chaotic Good
Str: 15
Dex: 19
Con: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 15
Total: 85
Thief Skills:
Move Silently (50)
Hide in Shadows (50)
Open Locks (35)
Pick Pockets (35)
Find Traps (30)
Set Traps (10)
Detect Illusions (0)
Short Sword *
Shortbow *
Leather Armor
Short Sword
Arrows (80)
Potion of Healing (5)
Set Trap (1)
Poison Weapon (1)
Invisibility (1) [Made this as her perk, tell me if it's okay]
She's an assassin, so she will train her skills to kill silently and effectively. In combat, she
attacks foes from behind or go in long range combat using her bow.
She will also train her skills in finding Traps and maybe even setting them.
Required Gear:
Shadow Armor, Boots of Stealth, Cloak of Non-Detection, Toxic Weapons, Potions of
When can you guys play ?
Do you know other serious players who would like to join us ?
Evening but evening where ? Europe ?
without using the + and - , just pure stats rolls
weaker of course than the previous , but still a good character
removed the mace***, instead got mace**
Neutral Good
gnome fighter/illusionist
STR 14
Dex 16
Con 15
Int 16
Wis 09
Cha 11
total :81
Mace** Two weapon style** ( will use stupefier +1 mace ,then go dagger** )
he is short and alert ,so he got -1 armor class against ranged weapons
gear : helmet, 2 maces, 5x healing potions , gem bag ( he's the best suited to take care of gems !)
15 gold
early game : magic and close combat support
mid and late game : melee tank, AOE spells an self buff spells
required items : good archimage robe ,magic maces, daggers, bracers of protection, ring or amulet of protection +1
potions of strength , potions of fortitude, scrolls
i really love this idea of role playing, not just getting 18 18 18 18 18 3
as i have noticed there is no healer? i really enjoy playing a cleric, preferably a fighter/cleric
there is just a little tweak i use when playing it - fighter/cleric sword restriction, which allows me to play my beloved character with a double-handed sword (makes it look epic, and more realistic)
he would be like this:
any alignment, prefer chaotic good, neutral good, chaotic evil (depends on the party)
dwarf fighter/cleric
some random stats (by random i mean what dice decided, no changing!), focusing on wisdom and constitution ofc (i will try to make him normal and a bit weaker than my usual characters)
his bio:
he had a brother once, they both were berserkers, then in one fierce battle his brother dies while clenching the sword he held dearest, akuma loses his mind and goes crazy falling onto ground later from a shock, afterwords he forgets everything (he unconsciously blocks the memories tho). He sets himself on the path of a healer. There is but one thing he is certain of. Strange as it may sound he, the priest, cant rest assured without carrying a sword. Thus he created a strong bond with this kind of weapon.
there is an official tweak allowing this
he is not that strong, unable to put proficiency points in any weapons but two-handed (range weapons restricted), on the other hand being able to cast few druid spells inaccessible to clerics makes him, according to me, a balanced class
also, there is one thing i believe and that is arcane casters ruining the multiplayer game, and it is not that fun later having a mage pause the game every few seconds after casting improved alacrity to make the best use of it, and then these people who say: "i want a mage, i want a mage, no i want a sorcerer" kind of make me sad, so:
would not that be more interesting to rely more on your weapons than spells? just think about it! having a party of people who are not that good at spell casting
here are examples of what i mean: a fighter, cleric, druid, thief, paladin, ranger, monk!, or berserker. (and of course, any combination of these)
no sorcerers or necromancers soloing the bosses later in the game with two spells just because "spells are fun", and although i am saying all this, i love playing a sorcerer, and i enjoy it, but playing it with other people on skype would be like.. eh.. indescribable if i might say..
so here is an idea:
would you be willing to play it more like "sword and shield" style?
you know, more like a good book, a typical dwarf with a shield accompanied by a fighter rushing into a battle, followed by an elven druid and all of them having their backs watched by a ranger or a thief hiding in the shadows, would not that be more fun?
don't take any of this personally, i just spoke my mind, you might not even have a free place for me anymore and here talking i am, not to mention this foolish idea of mine.
after all, as one great man said: "Magic is impressive. But, now, Minsc leads. Swords for everyone!"
Thank you for your interest for this post.
I got no news from the other guys who want to play. So i don't know if we will play or not, it seems that it is very hard to find a team for multiplayer game.
A fighter/cleric dwarf with a good Con a descent Str and average Wis is already a very nice charcater, no need for the two handed sword and druid spells. It is too far away from the original class.
And a tank would be nice, so a full plate dwarf with a flail or morningstar and a shield will be a good addon to the team.
Too much magic can ruin the game.
My fighter/mage will have to cast many personal buffs ( armor, mirrored image, strenght etc..) to be effective in battle , so I will have few spell slots for damaging/cursing the enemies.
Hope to get news of the other players
as i said to humaneist i got no news from the other players,
I am desperatly trying to creat a team for playing multiplayer games, BG1 BG2 and IWDEE
Corvusrex is german too
I'm from France , i can play tomorrow
if you want to play just contact me on private message to set a game, we can stay in contact an fix a date and hour
I have to agree with TEMNOZORAN that a dwarven fighter/cleric with proficiencies in two-handed swords and access to druid spells is too far away from the given restrictions of the game. (But I really like the idea)
Do you have any other ideas for a character? I would like to hear them
You say it is too far away from the restrictions? Let me explain you something. I have beaten the game on nightmare difficulty not just with one class. We all have. We all know all the possibilities. Do we seriously have to abide the rules even while roleplaying in multiplayer. Do we really have to bound ourselves to these?
Why cant we just create something unique? Why cant we have fun and experience a different side of this game?
PS: I only wanted one stupid lvl 4 druid spell...
exemple a cleric with a two handed sword and a druid spell should for exemple get a restriction on armor
he can't for exemple wear heavy armor, not even the ankheg plate
the best armor available is studded leather, and his wisdom should be no more than 14, so he got no bonus spells.
It is just an exemple for playing a character with strengths and WEAKNESSES not in his original class.
to be short : if you add some skills and powers you have to remove others.
if you want ideas for creating very unusual but not overpowered character you should take a look at this book:
TSR Ad&d 2nd
I found mine on ebay, it is the same edition as the rules of BG1 and BG2
It provide a lot of ideas for cutomising characters , it also includes rules for some races ( ex: Drow,Duergar) who were not playable before.