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Watchers Keep

SanxisSanxis Member Posts: 12
Hey guys , I'm currently doing Watchers Keep on SoA ( chapter 6 , before assaulting Bodhi ) right now . I just cleared The Machine of Lum The Mad and on my way to The Final Seal . I wanted to know how hard last 2 levels and of course Demogorgon are going to be for my party ?

My character : Level 18 Human mage ( I have improved alacrity as my first hla )
Keldorn ( using Carsomyr +5) : Level 18 ( Summon Deva )
Minsc ( duel wielding mace and long sword - Mace of Disruption +2/Angurvadal +4 ) : Level 18 ( Whirlwind attack )
Viconia : Level 20
Edwin : Level 17
Jan : Level 14/16


Keldorn ( -13 AC with -6 THAC0 )
Minsc ( -14 AC with -5/-5 THAC0 )

Minsc uses ring of gax , Keldorn has ring of regeneration and both have improved cloak of protection +2 which gives improved haste and invisibility . Also for some reason I didint lose one of the Drow Full Plate +5 but other equipments disintegrated after leaving underdark maybe because it was in bag of the holding ? . I dont use any tweak mod for drow equipment by the way . Keldorn has it currently .

So do you guys have any advices for me ?
Post edited by Sanxis on


  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    The last levels of WK can be challenging, but with your setup you should have no trouble doing it. Your levels are decent, you have some very good items, no problem!
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    If you can pass the Level 5 final battle then Demogorgon will not be a problem.
  • SanxisSanxis Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2015
    Yup , I just defeated Demogorgon , funny that seal fight was harder than this .

    So these are the stats after finishing the keep . I think Irenicus fight is going to be easy .

    Me : Level 19 mage
    Minsc : level 20
    Keldorn : Level 20
    Viconia : level 23
    Edwin : level 19
    Jan : 14/18
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Sanxis: you may want to consider adding some difficulty mods if you find things too easy :) I can STRONGLY recommend SCS.
  • AerevynAerevyn Member Posts: 14
    Regarding the drow plate, being in the bag of holding prevented it from disintegrating. It will disintegrate as soon as you enter the area with the elven camp (where you exit the underdark), even if you enter that area from above ground. It seems to be a script specific to that zone.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Oh dear god that makes me want to smuggle some of that sweet drow elven chain out of the underdark. Must... resist... blatant exploit...
  • MoczoMoczo Member Posts: 236
    Jarrakul said:

    Oh dear god that makes me want to smuggle some of that sweet drow elven chain out of the underdark. Must... resist... blatant exploit...

    Why resist? Why deny the gifts offered to you? When the world of blatant exploits opens to you, even creatures mysterious and magical will fall.
  • YannirYannir Member Posts: 595
    If you just finished Machine of Lum The Mad, how come you don't have Storm Star on Minsc? MoD is only great against undead. When you have Storm Star +5, Improved Haste him for flinging Chain Lightnings left and right, easily the best all-round mace in the game.
  • SanxisSanxis Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2015
    @Yannir sorry I forgot to mention this was before using the machine . I got the mace and equipped it on Minsc after I've created this thread . So those equipment and stats are pre buffed .
    @Jarrakul you can't resist to those shiny drow gear , can you ?
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