NPC Portraits & Kirinhale Spells/Abilities

Two questions for you smart folks & old timers (Playing BGI/TotSC Tutu):
1) I want to change the M & S portraits of Branwen to those of Lagertha the Shieldmaiden from the Vikings series on History Channel (who's based on a real woman from Norway of the same name & who was married to the infamous Viking Ragnar Lodbrok. She is a buttkicking woman & find her exactly what I think Branwen would look like.
a. But...when you pull up an NPC, the only thing you can change really is their Script/AI. I want to change her appearance/portrait. I've already gotten some great M & S Images of Lagertha from the series & sized them for BG but don't know how to do it.
b. I tried to use Shadowkeeper but that seems only to have the basic portraits & few others but does not seem to have an option for 'uploading' an image.
2) Second question is: who can tell me the spells/abilities that are assigned to Kirinhale the Succubus on the third upper level of the keep. I'm writing my update but, as always, that takes me more time than to play the game. I really want to know what spells & abilities she has in order to flesh out my narrative & make it interesting. I don't know how to go in & find code & stuff & I wouldn't know what it meant anyway. :I In AD&D they were able to: cause darkness 5' radius; their kiss drains the victim of one energy level; become ethereal; charm person; ESP; clairaudience; suggestion; shape change (to any humanoid form of approximately their own height and weight), or gate in a type IV Demon (70% chance), type VI = Balrog (25%), or a Demon Lords or Prince (5% chance). I'm sure Kirinhale's abilities are a bit different. Please help.
Thanks for a quick reply folks. Been working on this narrative all day & want to get it posted so I can hit the 1st Labyrinth Level & get into some of the big stuff.
1) I want to change the M & S portraits of Branwen to those of Lagertha the Shieldmaiden from the Vikings series on History Channel (who's based on a real woman from Norway of the same name & who was married to the infamous Viking Ragnar Lodbrok. She is a buttkicking woman & find her exactly what I think Branwen would look like.
a. But...when you pull up an NPC, the only thing you can change really is their Script/AI. I want to change her appearance/portrait. I've already gotten some great M & S Images of Lagertha from the series & sized them for BG but don't know how to do it.
b. I tried to use Shadowkeeper but that seems only to have the basic portraits & few others but does not seem to have an option for 'uploading' an image.
2) Second question is: who can tell me the spells/abilities that are assigned to Kirinhale the Succubus on the third upper level of the keep. I'm writing my update but, as always, that takes me more time than to play the game. I really want to know what spells & abilities she has in order to flesh out my narrative & make it interesting. I don't know how to go in & find code & stuff & I wouldn't know what it meant anyway. :I In AD&D they were able to: cause darkness 5' radius; their kiss drains the victim of one energy level; become ethereal; charm person; ESP; clairaudience; suggestion; shape change (to any humanoid form of approximately their own height and weight), or gate in a type IV Demon (70% chance), type VI = Balrog (25%), or a Demon Lords or Prince (5% chance). I'm sure Kirinhale's abilities are a bit different. Please help.
Thanks for a quick reply folks. Been working on this narrative all day & want to get it posted so I can hit the 1st Labyrinth Level & get into some of the big stuff.
IIRC, she has a powerful charm person she uses on males that is very difficult to resist. (I can't even say hey, maybe my pc is gay, so he should be immune, waah!) She used an energy drain ability to temporarily lower con scores, she never had real level drain like vampires in bg2. She also can turn ethereal (invisible) and regenerate health. I play with scs mod so I am unsure what her original abilities/scripts are.
So, I've done that & sized my photos 38x60 & 110x170. I've placed them w/the appropriate naming convention as you indicate above in both my Override & Portraits photo. Even started a new game & still getting the original Medium & Small portraits.
Do I need to take one or more original file out? If so, which one? In the Override folder there the following files that appear to be associated w/Branwen: _BRANWD.DCS, _BRANWE.dcs, _BRANWE (CRE file),
In the portrait folder they're sized the same & given appropriate length names, i.e., 6 characters or <.