Start good end evil, or start evil then end good?

I want to experience as much of the character interaction as possible, so I am trying to decide which way to start, and which way to end. I wanted to hear other's opinions on this to help clarify my thinking.
Starting good and ending evil: The murder of Gorion spurs you on your quest to find out what is happening, and once you discover that you are the son of Bhaal, you come to resent Gorion for never telling you, perhaps cursing his name for "denying you your potential", and so you pursue Sarevok, not out of saving lives, but out of competition in hopes of proving that YOU are the chosen one, and not he.
Starting evil and ending good: You always resented the good nature of Gorion, and felt no remorse upon his death. The only thing that spurred you forward was learning more about Sarevok, and of course the potential rewards along the way. When you discover your lineage, you come to accept Gorion, realizing that he kept this secret from you not out of selfishness, but out of protection. You realize that if you spent your life knowing what you are, you may very well become drunk with delusions of power and grandeur, like your brother Sarevok. You must stop him and his mad quest, making you worthy of Gorion's care.
I'm sure there are tons of ways either could be altered.
Both sides are equally rewarding, so it's really up to the player