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Baldur's Gate Pathfinder Campaign

GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
So, I'm going to be running the Baldur's Gate game as a table top game for my group of friends and I'll be using the Pathfinder ruleset. I've been doing some converting of NPC's from the game into pathfinder stat blocks and I'd like any and all freedback from the community. The game is going to go until about level 8 or 9, so some NPC's will be toned down to be more appropriate for a campaign at those levels (Sarevok wont be a level 16 fighter for example since he'd maul the group all by himself.)

Sarevok Anchev
Male Human Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) 11
CE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Initiative +3, Senses: Perception +0
AC 26, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 23 (+13 Armor, +3 Dex)
HP: 120 (11 HD; 11d10+55)
Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +6
Speed 20 feet
Melee: Sword of Chaos +4 +25/+20/+15 (2d6+16+1d6 Life Drain/19-20x2) (All attacks after the 1st deal +19)
Sword of Chaos +4 Power Attack +25/+17/+12 (2d6+25+1d6 Life Drain/19-20x2) (All attacks after the 1st deal +28)
Special Attacks: Overhand Chop, Shattering Strike +3, Backswing, Piledriver, Deathbringer Assault
Str 20, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Attk: +11, CMB +16(+21 Sunder), CMD 29(34 vs. Sunder)
Feats: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Weapon Focus Greatsword, Improved Sunder, Dazzling Display, Weapon Specialization Greatsword, Intimidating Prowess, Shatter Defenses, Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus Greatsword, Lunge, Step Up, Combat Refelxes
Skills: Acrobatics +11, Bluff +16, Climb +11, Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (Religion) +14, Swim +10
Languages: Common, Chondathan, Dwarven, Illuskan, Shou.
SQ: Two-Handed Weapon Training +3
Traits: Diplomactic - Sarevok treats Diplomacy as a class skill. Liar - Sarevok treats Bluff as a class skill.
Combat Gear: Boots of Speed
Other Gear: Sword of Chaos +4, Armor of Chaos +4

Deathbringer Assault: On each successful attack against a foe who is Shaken, Frightened, or Panicked, Sarevok has a 3% chance to deal an additional 20d6 piercing damage. A target who takes damage from a Deathbringer Assault must make a Fortitude Save (DC 20) or become stunned for 1 round.

Sword of Chaos +4: In the hands of Sarevok this weapon functions as a +4 Greatsword that deals an additional 1d6 damage per strike, this additional damage heals the wielder but cannot increase his hit points beyond his normal maximum. When someone other than Sarevok uses this sword it functions as a +2 Greatsword that deals 1 additional damage per strike, this additional damage heals the wielder but cannot increase his hit points beyond his normal maximum.

Armor of Chaos +4: This set of Fullplate has an improved maximum dexterity bonus by 2 (to a total of +3), reduces the normal armor check penalty by 2, which stacks with the normal bonus for being of masterwork quality (total -3), and grants damage reduction 3/-. While worn by Sarevok this Fullplate functions as a suit of +4 Fullplate that grants him a +3 resistance bonus to saving throws, and grants him spell resistance of 10 + his hit dice. While worn by someone other than Sarevok this armor counts as +2 Fullplate.

So, what do you think? Is he a little too powerful?

I'll post another NPC later on when I get the chance.
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