Weimer's Anti-Paladin
in BGII:EE Mods
Hi, does anyone know how to get the Anti-Paladin kit from Weimer's Tactics mod to work? I can install it, and it appears as a Fighter kit, but it's grayed out and can't be selected.
Ir'revrykal abilities:
Immunity to charm, 50% chance dispel magic on hit, thaco +5 and damage 1d10 +5, +5 magic damage against good creatures.
Unholy Reaver from Tactics:
Immunity to charm and psionics, dispel magic on every hit (100%), thaco +5 and damage 1d12 +5, +5 dam. vs good creatures.
Soul Reaver +6:
+50% magic resistance, dispel magic on every hit, thaco +6 and damage 1d12 +6, +1d6 magic damage, target receives cumulative -2 THACO penalty each hit for 120 seconds.
Anti-paladin is just a fighter kit with some inquisitor's abilities and can be only evil. It was really cool mod, before I found Morrow gate mod, which will allow your fallen paladin retain his/her abilities and rename title "fallen paladin" to Dark paladin or Blackguard.
I don't even know, if Weimer is still working with his mods on http://weidu.org/
On a side note, Weimer's AP is *the* most overpowered class I have ever seen
It's basically "take the Inquisitor, make him evil, done".
I like that we FINALLY got a proper Blackguard/Antipaladin with spells and Command Undead.
But if there was some way, how put Weimer's unholy reaver to the override folder without CLUAConsole and make it usable by blackguard, that would make me really happy.
If someone can make such a mod, I add file here. Thanks.
When I check the sword in the Near Infinity, I found this text in Identified description:
Dorn's right. If people find out what we've been party to, we're done for. It's not like they'll give a drow the benefit of any doubt.
I think it's Viconia dialogue from Dorn's stupid quest.
What a shame...
Oh and it casually adds a no-save automatic dispel to EVERY SINGLE ATTACK. Completely fair :P