Differences between Baldurs Gate 1 and 2

I havent beat the first game yet, however I am curious to know what are some changes that Baldurs Gate 2 brings to the table compared to the first game? Because whenever I see forums talking about these 2 games, it seems they say the 2nd one was overall better. (I know its all subjective of course, but still want to know why)
I heard that the 2nd game focuses less on exploration and more on story/rpg stuff? Not sure. (Honestly I probably would like that, since Im getting kinda tired exploring these random wilderness areas. Ever since Durlag Tower, these random areas on the world map seem so inferior by comparison)
Basically Im just trying to get myself hyped up for the 2nd installment, by imagining what its going to be like
Edit: Im sorry, I cant believe I forgot to search this forum first to see if this topic was already made, which it was, so if you want to lock it, I understand.
I heard that the 2nd game focuses less on exploration and more on story/rpg stuff? Not sure. (Honestly I probably would like that, since Im getting kinda tired exploring these random wilderness areas. Ever since Durlag Tower, these random areas on the world map seem so inferior by comparison)
Basically Im just trying to get myself hyped up for the 2nd installment, by imagining what its going to be like
Edit: Im sorry, I cant believe I forgot to search this forum first to see if this topic was already made, which it was, so if you want to lock it, I understand.
And yes, although you still have a lot of options regarding the path you take through BG2, you have much clearer direction towards the main plot, which means less random exploration, and much more story-driven questing.
Whilst the above two points can be good or bad depending on your preferences, the third major difference between BG1 and BG2 is objectively good. Namely whilst your BG1 companions are basically mute (except the Enhanced Edition characters), all the BG2 NPC companions are much more fleshed out, with banters, interactions with your main character and each other, and most of them come with their individual quests.
I pretty much dont even bother recruiting them anymore, since all we would do is 1 quick quest and then boom its over for the interaction of us. Just seems like I should just get a full party, then stick with it the whole game
While the second game breathes life into the beast. It adds a deeper story and fleshes out characters.
So I guess the difference is BG1 is a great game. BG2 is a great story.
Basically, there are a lot of little interesting quirks about characters' stats which are then picked up on by BG1NPC. Like, you can have Khalid (INT 15) having discussions on morality and the nature of the world, or Xzar (a bizarre WIS 16) rationally and logically discussing the ins and outs of necromantic practices and views. It is the logic of a Chaotic Evil necromancer, but logic nonetheless.
Statistically, none of these stats are necessary (as a half-elf, Khalid can't dual-class, Edwin has subpar WIS, and Minsc's appalling WIS/INT scores can go in this too), but they all go into the characters and who they are, and since the mod's purpose is to flesh out the characters more, I think it does a fantastic job with that.